Monday, November 22, 2010


It is Thanksgiving Week.

In honor of that, I will take some time this week to reflect on why I am thankful.

It really should be every day - not just once a year.
I have done this with my students for years. I get them thinking of the everyday things for which they should be thankful. It is a reminder to me as well:

I got up out of a warm bed this morning.

My worst sleep is better than most.

I could hear my alarm.

I could get up out of the bed.

I used a bathroom inside our home to take a shower and get ready for the day.

The shower had HOT water.

I took a shower longer than 2 minutes.

I could see myself in the mirror.

I have a closet full of clothes that I was able to choose from and get myself dressed.

I had food in the pantry for breakfast.

I have all kinds of cooking utensils to make breakfast or just pour a bowl of cereal.

I was able to walk around my warm house.

I was able to get my children out of their warm beds.

My children are healthy and could get themselves going without me having to help them every step of the way.

I drove our van to school.

I have a job.

I had water to drink while at school.

I had a snack.

I have a computer with which to communicate with my parents or check on things needed for the classroom.

I have the ability to teach/write/listen/help.

I can walk up and down stairs.

I had lunch.

I could drive myself home.

I am back in my warm house.

I will eat supper tonight.

I may have a snack.

I will grade papers on a comfy couch.

We will watch TV while those papers are being graded.

I will go back to that warm bed.

Tomorrow, Lord willing, I will do it again.

We are so blessed that we many times forget to be thankful.

What is a "little" thing for which you are thankful?


Anonymous said...

All of the things you mentioned were so 'ordinary' to most of us but oh so important to remember to give thanks for. To add to your list...
insurance to get the medical,dental, and vision care we need; cooking with gas and not a fire outside; washing machine and dryer, contacts and not hand-me-down glasses from someone else.

Katie said...

Shoes for my feet, CLEAN water right out of my sink, not having to fear for my life because I love Jesus.

wendy said...

ahhh. . . being thankful! I spoke in chapel today about that. Shared the story of Corrie Ten Boom and her sister, who were thankful for the fleas. Neat story! I'm thankful for the internet - to stay connected with people I love who are so far away, cell phones (ditto on the staying connected part), a washer & dryer to use, heat in my car in the mornings, and a great church.

Gretchen said...

I'm thankful for bloggy world because it reconnects old friends. :)

I'm thankful for clean sheets, too!

Sandy M. said...

I'm thankful for those (many of whom are friends), who give up the comforts of life in the USA to reach those around the world w/the love of Christ.

I'm thankful for all the reminders here on your blog of all I have to be thankful for!

Vonda said...

Thanks for the reminder of all the little things that we so often take for granted to be thankful for. I'm thankful for many things, but one little thing is that every morning I get to be home to watch my daughter get on the school bus.