Friday, November 12, 2010


Me and my sweeties in Myrtle Beach when we went to teacher's Convention.
Our kiddos are growing up so much right before our eyes.

I always thought they grew up fast when they were so little, but now I am seeing a different growing.

I am seeing a maturing inside.

In the last couple of weeks they both have come to me of their own accord and shared that they disobeyed.

I would have never known they had disobeyed if they had not come to me.

Mikayla told me she had been asking the Lord to give her courage to tell me what she had done after she had asked Him to forgive her. She also asked for verses she could use to help her in the future. When I gave her some she immediately went into her room to work on them and I have seen her working on them since.

On Sunday, Wesley came to me after hearing in Sunday School something that reminded him that his choice earlier that morning was not a wise one. He even shed a few tears in that realization.

I was so thankful for their tender heart to what the Lord was telling them. They are learning to lean on Him and trust Him in ways that it took me until I was an adult to fully realize.

They are maturing and growing into who the Lord wants them to be. It is a hard job as a parent to make sure that those teachable moments are not turned into moments that will later harbor resentment in them.

I must listen to them. I must not react, but TEACH. If I react then it will become a situation where they do not want to come to me over anything and the secrets will begin. Isn't that what grace is all about? Isn't that what the Lord does for us? I am reminded so much more now how God forgives me over and over. I want my children to see that when they come to me with something like this.

It has been a joy watching them blossom.

I pray that the Lord will give Steve and me the wisdom to know how to make sure that blossom is beautiful from the INSIDE out.


Anonymous said...

Oh yes!! Amen . Bless them Lord.
Love! Love!

Sandy M. said...

That is awesome! That's what it's all about in Christian parenting, even when it's hard. Thanks for sharing!

Gretchen said...

This melts my heart!