Friday, November 06, 2009


I found a little splash of color among the leaves that had fallen. It's always nice to have a bit of color on a "dull" day.

I have a poster in my room that says "A day without laughter is a day wasted." (can't remember who actually said that... it's on the poster) The Bible says in Proverbs 17:22a "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." I can say that when laughter is around, it takes your mind off of your troubles. God wants us to laugh and enjoy life!

Have you laughed today?

If you have, good... you didn't waste the day. :)


Katrina said...

I am taking some time out of being too busy to enjoy your pictures and posts. It has been a few days I think. The Lord has been giving us some silly moments as of late. Lots of laughing and giggling. I know I have been the subject of some of my girl's laughter lately, I don't mind. What a gift!

Vonda said...

I had a good laugh on Friday. I went to the Kentucky History Museum with Hannah's class. While in the Civil War exhibit, the guide was going to dress up a boy in the class as a soldier. She asked him if he wanted to be a Union soldier or a Confederate soldier. He asked "Who won?" I thought that was hilarious! Then Hannah was chosen as the girl to get dressed up in a hoop skirt! Good times!