Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Wesley and I found these mushrooms growing on this log when we walked through Yates Mill the other day. It is always neat for me to see things growing like this. Click on them to view more detail.

Remember this song from the late '70's/early 80's: "She's got Betty Davis' eyes...."

Do you have the tune in your head now?


Sing these words to the tune instead:

"Wesley's got his Momma's eyes!!"

Before you start thinking that he has large "cow eyes" like his Mom, that is not what I am meaning.
(He does have large cow eyes like me, his are just in blue instead of brown, but I need you to move past that.)

NO..... here is the reason:



Now, I realize this is something that happens to people every day.

I realize my boy needs to be able to see and do his work.

This is also what I realize:

I know what life is like to be "blind as a bat" and everyone is blurry. I hate that he has inherited this from me.

I know that my sweet child has a hard time keeping up with many things. Glasses are now on that list.

I know that I will be reminding him of those glasses -- A LOT.

I was so hoping that both our children would inherit Steve's 20/15 vision.

Genetics stink sometimes.

It's going to be a long time before he's ready for contacts.

I need to hush and be thankful that other than his eyes being a little bit *off* he is healthy and glasses are not the end of the world.

Please remind me of that last point when he can't find his glasses..... ha! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Kellie, First of all you asked yesterday if we have ever had a revalation from the Lord. Well, I had two today=1. You don't know that you need Jesus, until he's all you have got. 2. At least when you hit bottom, you know it is solid ground! It's all up from here. Now our little guy will be so cute and dignified with glasses,and he will get used to them. Love ya!!

Gretchen said...

I now have that song running thru my mind, thankyouverymuch.

He will be adorable in glasses!