Thursday, November 26, 2009


Thanksgiving Day.

A day set aside to thank the Lord for all of His goodness.

I find in our world today that many are choosing to complain and only want more gain in their lives instead of being THANKFUL for what they have. Every day should be Thanksgiving Day in our hearts. We are so blessed.

Here are just a few of the things for which I am thankful today and every day:

My Lord - His tender grace and mercies are new every day. He is faithful, just, loving and in control of all of my life. I thank Him for His patience with me as I continue to grow in Him.

Steve - this should be no surprise. ha! I have been blessed with an amazing husband. What a blessing to know I am married to my best friend.

Wesley and Mikayla - What riches I have found in this life since becoming a mother. The things I am learning from my children help me to be a better parent to them! I am so thankful to the Lord for these two He has given to us.

My parents - I have a wonderful heritage and example that is set before me still today. I am so thankful for their words of wisdom and how they are here for me/us anytime we need them.

My brother - He pushes me to do things I don't normally have a desire to do .... or even if i don't think I can do it. He is my "walking encyclopedia" and gets me thinking. :)

My ability to teach - I know God has placed me where I am for a reason and my talents are from Him.

Photography - I love being able to capture moments in time or personalities in people. I am still learning much from this ability, and wishes there was more time to do it, but I love the "stress release" this gives me when I hold the camera in my hand.

Home - I am thankful for the contentedness that the Lord continues to show me. I don't have to have the latest and greatest of things because I know things do not really make you happy. My home may not always be perfect for we do LIVE in our house, but it is our HOME and the love that is within is why I am so blessed.

I could go on and on... there are so many things I have that I just praise the Lord for in many ways.

I hope you take the time every day to thank the Lord for his goodness because without Him you have nothing.



Sandy said...

Thank YOU for sharing these reminders of Thankful Blessings!

Katie said...

Happy Thanksgiving my friend I can not wait to see you and take pictures with you again sometime soon! My last school day is Dec. 11 so maybe sometime during Christmas break. ~kt : )