Friday, November 13, 2009


I have forgotten about my Farmer's Market pictures lately so here is another shot of some pumpkins.
I loved these leaves... you can click on it to view the detail of that center leaf better.
Tomorrow night is my twentieth high school reunion.

I have a lot to wear..... but much of it is "school" clothes, if you understand my meaning.

Steve was in need of a few new work shirts and wanted me to meet him to help him pick some out. I decided this would be a great opportunity for me to get a new top or something to go with my "basics" in my wardrobe.

I am not one that goes out and buys things for myself very often. I realized why tonight.

I hate to shop.

I realize I am in the minority when it comes to this because *most* women I know love to shop.

I just do not fit into that category and I believe there are two reasons.

1. I do not like to spend money am very frugal.

2. When I finally do decide to spend some money shop I have no idea what looks good and decide it probably won't look good so why try it on and I walk away.

It drives Steve crazy to go shopping with me because I wander around aimlessly, look at price tags, turn my nose up at some of that stuff out there and talk myself out of purchases more times than I actually buy something.

My Momma always taught me to get the basics and then add to with some splashes every now and then. I just take that to the extreme sometimes.

I am not "fru-fru".... I would say my style is more tastefully simple.

I try to step it up a notch at times, and can surprise myself by actually buying something that is a bit more "not the usual me" but that is RARE.

SO.... tonight I walked out of the store with nothing.... AGAIN.

While I am realizing I am so blessed and have enough clothing to choose from there is something in the back of my mind that makes me want to look a little more spruced up tomorrow night.

Mom said she'd go with me tomorrow to see if I could find a little something/something to go with my basics. We'll see if that turns into a repeat of tonight.

Either way, I shall not complain for I am blessed beyond measure and I know I do not look like I did 20 years ago. THANK GOODNESS.

Well... except for being 105-110 pounds... I might could go for that again. lol


Gretchen said...

Girl. I want pictures. Lots of pictures of people I haven't seen in 20 years.

After spending the day shopping with my mother in law and my children, I must admit, that basics are the way to go. Here's my 2 cents: long scarfs are all the rage this year. Throw one on with anything, and suddenly, you are oo-la-la.

Can't wait to hear about the reunion. Email me with all the details. Better yet, let's get together for coffee and we can really catch up!

Amy said...

I love the colors of the second shot, they just say 'autumn'. :)

I'm with you on the shopping, I don't enjoy it either.