Today started out like any other day. I had plans, Steve had plans, but God had other plans.
Steve got outside in the yard with the kids. They are earning money to buy a toy for those less fortunate. We do this at school every year and I started with my students a few years back that they are to earn the money to buy this toy to get a new appreciation for giving to others. I want Wesley and Mikayla to do the same each year so that it isn't just "something we do" but something from the heart and hard work.
I was inside folding "Mount Everest" of laundry, washing sheets and then I was going to scrapbook as fast as my hands could do today to get at least get through 2008. I am so behind and it frustrates me.
I had just gotten going on the scrapbooking when Steve calls for me to come to the garage. He had a sound in his voice that I knew was not good.
Steve noticed last week when he mowed the grass that an area around the back of the house was really wet but we had had so much rain he figured it was because of that. Today, he found out otherwise. We haven't had much rain this week and it was sopping wet in that area.
We had a water leak and it was pretty bad.
What is the first thing that goes through your mind when you have issues like this?
"OH GREAT. THAT is going to cost a lot."
With Christmas coming up Steve and I thought, "Well, Merry Christmas to us!" Plumbers on a Saturday "ain't" cheap.
I honestly didn't know what to think and Steve didn't know where to begin.
Steve was fearing the worst, I was hoping and praying for the best. I just kept praying that the Lord would help us know what to do.
We began to think through how to find a plumber so I called Mom since they have had MANY experiences with this over the years with the farm and such.
She calls Daddy to find out some plumbers and Daddy was just arriving home.
Daddy gets here and begins to help us figure out what to do. He tells Steve not to worry that they can figure it out. He was so calm and acted as if it was an everyday occurrence. Daddy has learned over the years with all they have been through that there is no need to panic. HA!
Daddy had lots of things to do today but instead he goes home and gets his shovel, Steve finds ours, and they get to shoveling lots and lots of water and mud.
They found the leak.
They found the electrical wire by the piping so it wouldn't be cut by the shoveling.
They figured out how to fix it.
Total cost.... around $25.00/$30.00.
What could have been a serious panic moment for us turned into something very muddy/messy, but MINOR.
We are blessed by Daddy and his knowledge and time he gave us today.
Steve worked the rest of the afternoon to get the repair done. I was so appreciative of his hard work and "know how".... I would be so clueless.
I am blessed to have my sweet man.
The Lord continues to use events and happenings in my life to teach me thankfulness in ALL things.
In every thing give thanks:
This reminded me of when we were waiting for Corey to be born (he ended up being 2 1/2 wks. late!) & my parents had come (from 3 hours away) to "wait" for him. Steve & my dad decided to build a deck on the back of our house, so they rented a post hole digger (the code for the depth of the posts was ridiculous in the Chicago suburb where we lived). When it got stuck & we didn't know what to do (renting it by the hour...) Gretchen (age 4 1/2) calmly said, "Why don't we pray about it?" So we did & immediately they got it unstuck.
Glad your problem was fixable & not a huge expense!
I am always so encouraged by what you post...I have thought much about your post the other day, about what we "can" say or think about every situation we are in...and what we choose to do with it, makes all the difference in the world. I think too, when cleaning my forever dirty home, how thankful I am that kids and dogs go running thru here, filling the house with joyful noise and proof-of-life dirt. How much different my life and home would be without them. So thank you for helping us to continue to keep our eyes firmly fixed on the Joy-Giver and His wonderful gifts. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your precious are all a blessing in our lives!
Whew, whew, whew! It could have been so much worse!
LOVE the picture of the peace princes in the backyard. So precious! If only I could remember to trust my heavenly father that way in the midst of a storm.
I love the lovely autumn colors in the leaves, they're so pretty! And WTG to Steve and your dad for the inexpensive fix. :)
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