Wednesday, January 25, 2006

In my element

I was in my element today after school. We came home and I was getting the mail I looked up and saw the silos looking so pretty against the blue sky. I decided right then to get out my camera (I had taken it to school...that story in a minute..) and began taking pictures. I didn't have time to get them all on the computer today. When I parked the van I started wandering around our old barns and farm areas and taking pictures of things that meant a lot to me. I realize the picture to the left is not the most glamorous, but it is special to me. It is the start/stop buttons to the feed auger (sp?) on the farm. It made me sad to see the STOP button pressed down. It has been that way for almost 20 years...that is how long we have been out of dairy business. I remember those buttons well, but had forgotten all about them until today. As I was wandering around the silos and barns I took plenty of pictures and saw a lot of things I hadn't really seen in years. I will be sharing them in the next few days. I was trying to think outside of the box and not take "typical" pictures. I am now planning on doing some scrapbook pages on the farm and how it looks now. The wind was blowing something fierce so some of them were a challenge, but it was still a wonderful hour I spent taking those pictures. It was also a precious time to remember how things used to be. It does make me sad to know my children will never experience that. There are times I seem to forget myself. I can't believe it has been 20 years this year since we stopped farming. I feel as if I am babbling! ha! I guess I just can't quite put into words how great it was to walk around the farm today. Memories are a precious thing.

My day began by taking pictures as well! On the way to school I noticed how beautiful the moon was. The sky was crisp and clear and the moon was a pretty crescent shape. When I got to school I saw it through the trees so I grabbed my camera (I had brought it to take pictures of some things for school) and got back outside and starting taking them. One of my fellow teacher's came up while I was doing that and just laughed. I thought it turned out pretty neat. It wasn't the best in the world, but for hand holding it and it being cold and blustery I thought it turned out pretty neat! :)

Other than this it was a "normal" day. I am thankful for my fun opportunities of picture taking today. God gave us such a beautiful day. The wind was a bit overpowering at times, but it was so pretty. I have a picture of the silos I will share that is awesome. The sky looked so blue behind it.

I am off to get ready for another day tomorrow. I'll share more later. :)

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