Saturday, January 14, 2006

Back again!

I realize it has been a while since I last posted. Getting back into the swing of school has been challenging! This week was much better with our schedules so it seemed to calm down on that end, but the week was still a wild one!

Today's pictures are of some of Wesley and Mikayla's favorites at the moment. We had gotten this large Hershey bar for Christmas (can't remember who actually got it) and when I was cleaning off the countertops before school started back I noticed it had been eaten but I figured Steve had been nibbling. That night, Steve came home and started laughing when he saw it. Apparently, Wesley had been the one doing the nibbling!! I took it out of the package and this is what I saw. This cracked me up. I then took a picture of it with the wrapper (which I didn't include in this picture) and took a picture of him eating it so that I could do a scrapbook page on it. That boy LOVES chocolate and I know he got it from his Momma! :)

Mikayla's favorite isn't is these little white cowboy boots. A friend of ours from church gave these to her when her daughter had outgrown them. Mikayla fell in love with them immediately, even though they were well worn, and desires to wear them all of the time. I think she would wear them 24/7 if I would let her. Most every day when we get home from school and they can go outside to play she will come in and take off her tennis shoes and put these on. I think it is precious. I know they don't look the best, but if they are a simple thing that bring her joy...why not?

This past week was Wesley's "Special Week" at school. He was "interviewed" and then a little story was written about him. His favorite color was green, of course, favorite food was cucumbers. He said he loved playing with tractors (shocker there...), drawing and swinging. He also said that when he grew up he wanted to be a farmer. I thought that was so sweet. Mikayla's "Special Week" will be this coming week. I am sure I can guess what she will say, but I will wait until she is officially "interviewed" to share that. :)

School has been good for them the past week and a half. They have both begun learning long vowel words (ex: make, take, paid..) instead of short vowel words (ex: wag, dog, bed...) It has been funny watching how they do with them. I am still amazed at how far they have come. They got their second report card this week and there has been improvement! Wesley still struggles in the reading, but we know it and are working with him on that. Mikayla is doing her best, too. As I was talking to Steve about it this week we realized a lot of the kids in their class are older than they are. Some turned six right before school started or right after so that really makes a big difference! Considering my babies didn't go to pre-school and are not as old as some in their class, I feel they are doing awesome. There truly has been a lot of growth. Next week they are going to be starting special Phonics sounds so that really should be interesting! ha!!

This week has been HOT for winter! We have been in the 60's and 70's all week and I haven't been able to sit by the fire ONCE! I am looking forward to having cold weather back like it should be. We had thunderstorms last night which caused the temperatures to drop drastically from yesterday. It was 72 yesterday and today it is in the 40's and we may have snow flurries tonight, then it is supposed to be back up in the 60's by Monday. CRAZY wonder people are so sick!! I am a person who generally enjoys the season I am in instead of always wishing for the next season to come. I find that time flies too fast as it is so why wish it away. I love all seasons, but I think my favorites are spring and fall. I love summer because of being out of school and being able to wear fun stuff, but I hate the hot humid days that drag you down. I love winter for the crispness and, of course, the ability to sit by a fire, but it isn't my favorite either because some days can look quite depressing! ha! So, spring and fall are my favorites because the skies are usually that beautiful blue and colors are all around me. That is what I think about life....the beauty of God's Creation is enough to take your breath away some days.

Speaking of God's Creation...I haven't been able to take many pictures of it lately. There doesn't seem to be anything special about a tree with no leaves up close, but I may make that my "project" to try to take some interesting pictures of that. I did manage to get a beautiful picture of a sunset the other night with our oak trees in the foreground. I also took a picture of the moon that night. I had wished I had my different lens on at the time to show it more closely but you do what you can. I'll share those in the next few days.

I am now caught up in my scrapbooking of our album (journaling and all) till Thanksgiving. I'll start on that, hopefully, today. I would love to do some ultra scrapping today and get caught up through Christmas....doubtful, but it is great to have high expectations, huh? I'll have to share a few of those pages. I still have to get Wesley and Mikayla's albums caught up from summer. Their albums will not be as difficult because after the summer pictures I am only doing school happenings in their albums. That is where their life is the most time consuming now.

I guess nothing is getting done sitting here typing. I was trying to catch up on the latest. I have to go teach Wesley and Mikayla how to vaccuum their rooms. That will become their responsibility now along with cleaning up their room. I want to instill the importance of chores to help around the house. The house has been a disaster for so long that I just need their help to get it where it needs to be. It is, after all, a lot of their toys that make it so disastrous! ha!!!

Have a wonderful day, everyone. I'll try to be better this week about my posts! ha!

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