Tuesday, July 31, 2012


What a beautiful flower.... with raindroplets, of course!  I took this at the NC Arboretum, too.  

Let me just say that I am not sure what I did before my smartphone.  It is a sad addiction, unfortunately.  I found that I had a Kindle on it.  This is something I never thought I would use because I love holding the book when I read.  I actually still do... but this has broadened my horizons. lol 

Remember that "embracing the change" I talked about yesterday?

I downloaded a few free books last week and began reading on the phone.  I still miss my book and bookmark the old fashioned way but it is nice on the go when I am waiting for something or the kids to finish that I have my book right there... I don't always remember my "in-the-hands" book when going somewhere.

SO.... I recommend this book.  It is a free download.

The book is called Deadly Aim by Patricia H. Rushford.  It is addicting and I can't stop reading it.

Unfortunately, the next ones in this series you have to pay for, but I am not surprised... get you hooked and then pay for the rest.  haha  I guess I will just wait till they go free, too.  I am cheap.

Any other free suggestions out there from you pros?

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