Friday, August 03, 2012


These raindrops on leaves are very fitting for me today.

Remember earlier this week when I posted about change and how the Lord is helping me with that?

Well, He sent another change my way yesterday that was HUGE.

It kind of knocked me off of my feet and I am in "mourning."

It is a change that is from Him, but I am still battling the sadness as I learn to accept this change.

I won't bore you with the details, it has nothing to do with our family or anything, but just know God has a plan and I am trusting in that plan.

For now, this change will be very hard as I begin a new school year and adjust to the craziness of everyday again.

I choose to remember the promise that God is there.  He knows the future and He knows what is best.

I just need to keep reminding my heart of that.


wendy said...

"if nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies." ~author unknown

change is hard. i'm kinda feeling like i'm in the larva stage of life right now myself although i'd really rather be breaking out of my chrysalis.

hang in there.

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Praying for you as adjust to this new "change!"