Thursday, January 19, 2012



Let's do a study on Moses, Pharoah and the children of Israel.  This will take a few days.

I have been teaching this Biblical time to my children since we have come back from Christmas break.

These chapters in Exodus are ones that I continue to learn a lot from every time I teach them.

God had a purpose for Moses from the time he was born.  He was saved from Pharoah's ruling of all Israelite baby boys being killed.  He was raised in the palace.  He made some mistakes in Egypt and had to run for his life.  He became a shepherd in Midian.

Moses was on the mountainside doing what he had done everyday for years - watching over sheep.  The Bible doesn't say exactly how long he had been doing this, but it had been long enough where I feel he had forgotten his old life in Egypt and was enjoying the quietness of shepherding.

Then God appeared to Moses in a way he never would have imagined.  God was a fire in the bush, but the bush was not being consumed by that fire.

God was asking Moses to do something huge - lead His people out of Egypt.  God was in control of it all, but He was going to use Moses as his "person" on earth to do His will.

Moses was quite scared.  Moses didn't think he was ready.  He made a lot of excuses.  

God had been preparing Moses to lead for a long time, but Moses didn't see it.  He had to learn to trust.

This was actually something important because God was asking Moses to lead a lot of people (over a million!) who also needed to learn to trust.  

Sometimes in our lives God asks us to do something, or we may face a trial that we don't understand.  We also make excuses and say we can't get through it.  However, God knows that there are others out there who will also need the same help and will need someone to "come alongside" them and help through their tough times.  

It is important for us to see our hard times as a way to someday help someone else who is facing the same problem.  It is a way to help others grow in their trust of the Lord.

1 comment:

Mich said...

Thank you for the reminder, that God walks through the fire daily with us. I have a loved one walking through a HUGE fire right now. She and all of those of us who love her need this reminder daily.