Monday, January 16, 2012



Today we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. 

He had a dream.

His dream was one that has made it to reality moreso today, but it still has a ways to go.

On this day, I thought I would explore some of my own dreams.  These are not in any particular order as I am going to talk about them as I think of them.  They may never become reality, but that is what dreams are.... dreams.

1.  Debt free - this one seems like a definite dream.  I realize that is the dream of a lot of people today.  However, I would love to have "extra" money so that I could just give to others when there is need without having to think about it.

2.  Travel all over the world - this is not a dream of Sweet Man's, but it would be mine.  There are so many places I want to experience.  You can see pictures all you want, but the experience of being somewhere is what takes you back to that place and fills you with the joy of seeing it even if it has been a long time.  I would have to have #1 happen before this could happen, I believe.  

3.  Have a natural light photography studio area in my backyard - I would love to have an indoor setup where I could do different backdrops and such to photograph people when the weather is not cooperating or for just having something different. 

4.  Have our family farm back - I realize this will only remain a dream.  That dream was taken long ago, but it is still a dream nonetheless.  I want to have those memories come alive again.  I want to hear the sounds of the cows in the pasture; I want to go out in the pasture on the golf cart with my brother to get the cows to come in for milking; I want to smell the smells of growing up on a farm.  I want my children to experience that life.  Again, I know this is only a dream.

In writing this post, I realized that I have not ever dreamed very much.  These four "dreams" are the main things that came to my mind.  It is good to dream, but I think I have never given myself over to that.  I will say, overall I have learned, with the Lord's help, to live a content life.  Our dreams can get in the way and become the idols that we focus so much upon that we forget the reality of what God's will is for our lives.  Dreams aren't bad.  That isn't what I am saying. Some of what I mentioned above may come true, but I have to admit that what I have learned in contentment is worth more than the dreams I hold.  

It is amazing what the Lord can teach you even when you are writing a blog post.

Thank you, Lord.

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