Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I know I talked about my cross-stitching yesterday.

I have to talk about it again today.

One of my little guys was more anxious over the cross-stitching than some of my other students.

He continued to tell me that he didn't think he could do it. 

He kept making mistakes.

I calmly kept reassuring him that everything was going to be OK.

When he made another mistake he started to tear up and say he really couldn't do it, he couldn't finish.  He said his mistake would never be fixed.

My heart went out to this little guy because I heard myself in those words.  They were words I have said to the Lord at times in my life that I didn't see a way out of the messes I had made.

The Lord gave me words for this little guy that were a reminder for me, too.

As I was taking out his thread I was reminded that his mistake was nothing I couldn't handle.

I shared with the little guy that it is the same with God.  Our mistakes are never too big for God.  He can take our mistakes and change them into something beautiful that will complete the entire picture of our life.

I love teaching my kids cross-stitching for the historical sense.  But each year I am learning the value of the spiritual sense that cross-stitch continues to teach me so that I may teach that to my students.  I hope those spiritual connections are part of the lesson they continue to retain long after the project is finished.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

First of all, you are SUCH a good teacher. If I weren't teaching him, I'd want my 2nd grader to be in your class.

Secondly (I'm catching up on blog reading) I needed to read this today. Some days I get down on myself and think "I can't do it all right." I'm so thankful for his mercy and the ability to do it through Him.

Hugs my friend! Enjoy your weekend!