Thursday, January 05, 2012



Here are bowls that I have taken to lunch pretty much every day of school for 17 years.  I bought these not long after Steve and I got married and they have been awesome for my lunches each day.

Yes, they have some cracks, and the lids have issues sometimes.....

...but I LOVE these bowls.  

They are the right portion size for lunch.
They are lightweight, yet durable.  
(ok, ok... I know I just showed you a crack in the pic above, but for 17 years old, that is not bad!)

However, my family, apparently, did/does not love these bowls.

This is what I got for Christmas.... a set of these.
It seems my precious son, Wesley, found these as the kids were shopping with Sweet Man for my Christmas present and he said I had to have these. 

Don't get me wrong.  I love my new lunch "bowls."   

I am just not sure I can get rid of the ones that have been there at each lunchtime.
The ones that have seen me through days of fun class memories.

The ones that stood by me holding my food when my day was long or hard....

(Yes, I realize I am being melodramatic here, but work with me.)

I shall not forget my lovely, pink-topped bowls.  

In fact, they are still in the cabinet right next to the new ones.

I may have to use them every once in a while just so they know they are still loved.


Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Sweet post! And sweet, considerate young man you have there too! :)

Mich said...

How sweet!!!

Totally understand...

Happy New Year!

truth in weakness said...

we had the blue-lid version. and i don't remember when we finally parted with them, but BOY, did this just take me back. (and they ARE just the right shape & size!) :)