Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Let's have some randomness today.

I have yet to try out "Ruby"... but I will remedy that this weekend.  I am making a cake for a friend who has been away from school after having surgery.  I am going to try out a new recipe that I found on Pinterest.  I so feel like Betty Crocker.

I realized the other day that I have made over 100 Powerpoints for school since late last summer.  I think I could do them in my sleep because I am so not finished with what I have planned.

Are you tired of hearing about my Powerpoints?

I am not normally a huge sports fan.  I follow whatever Steve follows simply because I just want to be in the room with him.  However, this past Sunday he watched the Denver Broncos/Pittsburgh Steelers game.  He watched it because of Tim Tebow.  (He is actually a Redskins fan. I do know, though, that the Redskins didn't even make it to the playoffs.... I do listen sometimes.)  Tim Tebow.... I have so much respect for that guy.  He is so young but is so willing to take a strong stand for the Lord.  If only more of us (including myself!) would do so.... I think our world would be a different place.  I loved hearing his press conference after the game.  Steve said so many of the reporters were trying to bait him, but he never fell for it.  He consistently complimented others and, most of all, gave praise to the Lord no matter how many times people have said things against him for that.  I hope and pray they beat everyone now and win the Superbowl.  Whatever happens, though, I know the Lord is with that young man!

This winter is seriously spoiling many of us.  The temps are more spring-like instead of winter.  I honestly don't want a lot of snow, but colder weather and a little bit of snow would be nice.  I am feeling the need to photograph icicles.

I am reading the book Rift in Time by Michael Phillips.  This is not a book you can casually read while watching TV.... it takes serious concentration.  It is good... but I fear it will take me a while to get through it.  Michael Phillips' books are always thought-provoking.  Have any of you ever read his books?  I have read him for years.  My dear brother got me hooked on his books.

Last but not least.... Have I mentioned lately how much Sweet Man does for me?  Have I mentioned how much I appreciate him?  If not, I hope I just remedied that.  He is such a blessing in my life.


Mich said...

A Tebow fan too. Read his book.

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

I so appreciate Tebow as a role model for young people! May Jesus continue to shine through that young man!

Have fun with Ruby this weekend! :)