Thursday, September 29, 2011


Crepe Myrtle trees are so lovely... but I will be the first to say they are difficult to photograph! 

We're going to have some lessons from Lot today and tomorrow.

Yes, I am talking about Lot from the Bible. 

I have been teaching my students about him the last couple of lessons in my Bible time.  As I was walking today the Lord gave me the idea to do these "Lessons from Lot" because I think we all can learn from his mistakes!

You can read this in God's Word in Genesis 18 and 19.

We first read about Lot when Abraham took him with him to the land God had promised Abraham - the land of Canaan.  Truly, the land belonged to Abraham and his "seed" but when they got to the point of settling down in the Promised Land, Lot's servants and Abraham's servants had some "words."  There wasn't enough room for them all so Abraham kindly let Lot choose the land where he wanted to live.

Lot took the best... the greenest, the part that would be "easier" to maintain and he would be richer for it.

Abraham took the land that wasn't so great... and he took it humbly.  God blessed him for it in more ways than one.

Back to Lot... the Bible tells us that he "pitched his tent toward Sodom."  He wasn't in the city, but he was close enough. What he didn't realize is that he was heading for more than he bargained for.  This city was full of wicked men and women, but all he saw was a prosperous and an easy way to live.

Aren't we just like Lot?  We want to take the easy road... the one that seems like it would benefit us the most.  The problem is, we usually take that type of road with the thought that we are in control and what we see is the best.  We forget to see that the harder times in life actually bring us the most blessings from the Lord and we become richer for them.  The easier times are when we fall away from the Lord because we seem to depend too much on our own ways.

I like this saying best to sum it all up for today:  
The grass that is always greener on the other side of the fence may be because there is a septic tank.

Tomorrow we'll talk about Lot's septic tank.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh my, loved that! :) Miss you this year!