Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Here is a conversation between Wesley and me this afternoon after school.

Wesley had forgotten to get Steve or me to sign his homework agenda last night.  This can lead to "moving your stick" out of the wise column to the simple area.  You just don't want to move your stick.  He shared with me before this conversation that his teacher gave him grace today.

Wesley:  I prayed I wouldn't have to move my stick today and I didn't.  I am thankful the Lord answered my prayer.

Me:  Did you thank the Lord for doing that for you?

Wesley:  Yes ma'am.

Quietness for a few seconds.

Me:  Wesley... what if you had been told to move your stick, would God have answered your prayer then?

Wesley:  Yes ma'am... God would have just said "No, you need to learn something from this."

Out of the mouth of eleven year old "babes."

If only we adults would remember that truth!


Gretchen said...

Love that boy's wisdom! Yes. I need to remember to be thankful for the "no, you have a lesson to learn" moments.

Sandy said...

Oh, that I could respond that way when God tells me, "no"...