Wednesday, September 07, 2011


So here is a bunch of randomness today about things I have purchased recently.  I know you can't stand the wait so read on.....

We had to buy a new iron.  Steve accidentally melted the other one on the stove.   
You know the eye of your stove that has the vent pipe... well, don't let your iron stay on that when you turn on the oven cause it will melt like chocolate on a hot day.

The new iron is pretty cool.  It actually steams up all well and good... maybe it was a subliminal thing that caused Steve to leave the old one on the stove...

The new iron came with basic instructions.  Here are a few fun ones out of the 36 instructions:
"Before using your iron for the first time, please remove all the packaging material."  DUH.
"Empty any excess water from the tank.  Don't touch the hot surfaces, water or steam because injury may occur."  Really?
This one is my favorite: 
"Never iron or steam clothes while they are worn."  You know someone has tried that for them to have put that on there....

Speaking of irons, we also bought a new padded ironing board cover.  I knew our other one was cheap and had issues, but just didn't realize how much until I ironed on the new padded one.  Yes, there was excitement in the Fowler household over a padded ironing board cover.

I also had to purchase a new hairdryer.  
Mine sounded like it was an airplane about to take off.  It was pitiful. 

The new one should work just fine... once I find my hair again.   
The first time I used it on LOW it about blew all of my hair off.  Let's just say I didn't have a good hair day.  I need to learn how to control that puppy!

I also had to get some new mascara.  Mine was dried up past working.  I bought the latest and greatest mascara (using a handy coupon) that would not only add volume but length to my lashes.  Funny how my lashes still look the same as they always have with mascara.  Maybe I am doing something wrong....

We had to get a new calculator.  The one I have had pretty much all of our married life has finally shown it is slowing down and not "computing" too well.  I can't believe I got giddy over a calculator.

Wesley bought a new model airplane.  He wants to enter it into the fair.  We'll see how it goes but he has been working like a wild man on that thing.  He does love to work with his hands!

Mikayla bought her some of those cute erasers they have out now.  They are high heel shoes and lipsticks.  So her.  I can't believe what they make erasers into these days.  I must say they are quite cute.  :)

We bought more craft pieces and supplies for projects that have begun.  The kids are ahead on the International Project they are doing this year and it makes me extremely happy.  I just can't repeat last year!  Their International paper dolls were due today but turned in yesterday.  Oh yeah.  The country flag is due at the end of September.  We have ours finished.  Maps are due in November... we're working on those this weekend.  
Oh yeah.  Momma's got a brand new plan this year.

We bought the new Narnia movie that came out a while back... Voyage of the Dawn Treader  
They had them on sale for $10 at LifeWay Christian bookstore.  That is a lot better than the original price of $30 doncha think? 

We saw it in the movie theaters and I loved it then, but watching it again and understanding some of the parts better, it made me love it even more.  There is so much symbolism of how Satan likes to tempt us in our weakest areas and get us to choose the wrong path God would want for us.  It was also a great movie to talk through with the kids and help them see the spiritual battlefield we face each day.  
Love the movie... and if you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it!

Have you had to buy anything recently to replace something in your house?


wendy said...

not a replacement, but we bought a new fan at tar-jhay. it's one of those tower kinds with a remote control. we have a wall a/c unit at our new house, but not central air like we have now. we also just bought a new laptop. our old dell is 7+ years old. and i don't have a school computer to use. i cannot survive a whole school day without a computer.

Gretchen said...

It's funny you mention the hairdryer. We gave the girls a new hairdryer for christmas, you know, one that has a paisley design on it... so cute! Well, guess who's been using it since April? Yeah. Me. I completely swiped it from the girls and now they have to come "borrow" it from me. Just this a.m. I realized it's just not blowing enough air (too long to dry my hair) and was sad that I would have to buy another one. I'd much rather spend the $$ on something else. :)

We had a gift card to Target and I was so proud of myself for NOT just spending it on toilet paper n' such... I bought some FUN pajamas! Yay!

Sandy said...

Well, since spring we have had to buy: THREE new air conditioning units, a new liner for the pool (& went ahead & switched to a salt system which was big $$$), a new washer for the mountain house, a new dryer for the mountain house (yes, it is nice to have a vacation home, but it is double the expenses on everything!), a new dryer for this house, and groceries. The vacation we had planned out west for this summer went on "hold"... Not complaining though, just thankful that God had supplied what we needed when we needed it.