Monday, September 19, 2011


Today I am doing something a little different.... I am letting you "hear" me instead of writing like normal.  I read one of my former student's (Ashley) blog and she did one of these.  I finally decided to "bite the bullet" and do one, too.  It is an "Accent VLOG" that gives people a chance to hear how you talk.  You have to say certain words and phrases which I have posted below my video.  So, sit back and enjoy the accent.....

Aunt, Route, Wash, Oil, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, Sure, Data, Ruin, Crayon, Toilet, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Spitting image, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Syrup, Pajamas, Caught
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is the bug that when you touch it, it curls into a ball?
What is the bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you say to address a group of people?
What do you call the kind of spider that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long legs?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?
What is the thing you use to change the TV channel?

Whatcha think?


Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Hi Kellie, This was so neat!!! And your personality, which is just precious, by the way, --is somehow different from what I had pictured. I had you pictured as a more laid back, quiet soft-spoken person. And no, you don't sound like you are from Raleigh...but you could definitely fit right in as my next door neighbor with that accent! (Columbus County) You are a very charming and have that cute southern it! LOL! :)

I laughed out loud as you recalled the language you and your dad have invented over the years! Both my children have created quite a few phrases and a language all of their own, most of them still used to this day. My father-in-law was famous for his witty invented language! LOL!

And of course...WOOHOO to Meredith!!!! :) They are making preparations for Corn Huskin' now! :)

Thanks for sharing this! I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

This is a good idea for the next we'll have some really good laughs, ya reckon?!?


wendy said...

this was so funny. loved being able see you live and in action. i felt like i was in your phonics class learning letters and sounds. jalapaleno. that was the best!

Ashley - The Christian Wife Life said...

Hahah love it! Another reminder of why I LOVED YOU as a teacher. :)

Gretchen said...

Girl. girl. girl. You crack me up!
I love hearing that voice that I knew oh-so-well so many years ago. What a fun idea for a post... just might have to steal it!

I do need to correct one little tiny bit of info. The toilet paper comment? Um. I do believe you were involved in a "tp"ing escapade involving cheerleaders (us) and the football team's cars in the school parking lot while they were away at a game that we weren't allowed to attend. Bring back any memories now? :) Don't worry, I won't tell your parents.

kadrowife said...

Kellie, I haven't laughed that hard in a while!!! I grew up in the same area as you and I think our dads grew up together!! So many of these words, pronounce correctly or incorrectly I have heard too, from my father!!!

Thanks for the blog, I read every time you post, I may not always comment, but what you say/write does touch me and I walk away thinking and pondering what you have said.

Keep up the good work...and keep VLOG'ing.


benbidder said...

Oh Kellie!! :D
It was so great hearing your voice after all of this time!
I am almost tempted to make one of these videos too! :D
I loved your stories at the end as well, my mom always calls them mazagines too. hehehe.