Friday, September 23, 2011


My day in a nutshell... or two.

1.  Alarm went off at 4:30 telling me it was time to rise and shine.  Only, I wanted to stay there.  It was raining outside. 

2.  Got out of bed at 5:00.  Got a move on....

3.  Went to school... had to open the back gate.  I had Herculean strength as those iron bars slipped from their resting places.  (I almost lost it one time as the gate was slippery from the rain!)

4.  Today was "Silly Day" because the kids earned all of the marbles in their jar.  SILLY DAY on a RAINY DAY.  Maybe that wasn't the best timing on my part.

5.  Began the day with tests.  Aren't all Fridays supposed to start out that way?

6.  Taught. 

7.  Taught the children why salt doesn't leave the ocean.  Did an experiment with that.  Yes, I am that cool.

8.  Because of rain we had indoor recess.  Did I mention today was SILLY DAY, too??

9.  Read about Rosa Parks.  The kids couldn't believe there used to be bathrooms and water fountains separate for blacks and whites.  They thought it was crazy a black person couldn't shop in the same store as a white person.  ME TOO.

10.  Had indoor recess again because it was raining.  Have I mentioned enough it was SILLY DAY today?  Just checking.

11.  Said goodbye to my little "chil'ren"....

12.  Finished up grading papers like a mad woman.

13.  Walked out the door... trying as best I could to leave the desk that had looked like a bomb had blown up on it was a little more organized.

14.  Glad I am home and that it is Friday.


Mich said...

Made me smile. Have a great weekend!

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

5:00 a.m.???? Bless your heart!!! And that's all I've got to say about that! LOL!

When you mentioned Rosa Parks, made me wonder, have you read "The Help." The movie is out now and I've heard it is really good. I did read the book and it is. Went along those same lines.

Hope you are having a great weekend! :)

Gretchen said...

Here's what I always wonder:
Why do rainy day make adults want to take a nap and make kids crazy??

Hope you survived the silly day! ;0

LOVE the new header, by the way!

Lynne said...

Loved your post! Hope you had a great weekend! :)