I thought I would post some pictures I took the other day at Wesley's practice. He seems to be liking it alright... not sure if he is really "with it" but time will tell. This is a trial run to see how it goes. I liked that first picture. He was practicing having the ball pitched at him to hit and I like how I was able to capture all of that in the picture. The next three pictures show in succession how he went after a ground ball. He hustled pretty well when he paid attention. lol The sun was right in our eyes so it caused that
It stormed today! I love thunderstorms as long as they aren't severe. It makes me want to huddle up the kids together with me and just watch and listen. Mom and Dad used to do that with us when there were storms. We were taught to respect them and watch them yet not to be afraid. Of course, that didn't stop me from freaking out several times, but I had good reasons. lol We are continuing to get much needed rain and I am continuing to be thankful. As I watched the rain coming down while we ate supper a little bit ago, it was almost like the trees got greener right in front of our eyes. Wesley said "There are a whole lot of plants around here that are happy right now!" Too funny...
The Lord allowed me to use those verses I posted yesterday to help someone else who was feeling overwhelmed right now. Actually... He used them with two people! God has been so good to give me Scripture that I needed and then the next day I have found out someone else needed that same Scripture. God knows our needs even before we know them.
My Zoo picture for today is of the giraffe and zebra together. I got a lot of the giraffes separate but this is the only o
Today I was able to help a stranger and turn away a stranger. Sound strange???
We had to run to Walmart after school to pick up a few things and while we were there an older woman, having to be on oxygen, was needing to find the type of shampoo that would help her hair. She had been in the hospital on three different occasions since December with Congestive Heart Failure and it had caused her other physical issues. I helped her find the right one she needed. My heart went out to her because I could understand certain things she may have been feeling or going through after what happened with Mom three years ago. I asked her if I could help her further because I knew she was struggling a bit, but she said she was fine, and thank you.
My second stranger wasn't so needy, but tried to give the appearance. She approached me in the parking lot and claimed she was out of gas, had no money or ID and needed some money to get home. I knew she was pulling a scam or either homeless. I had to tell her no. I truly could not trust that she would use the money as she said she would. It was an interesting conversation that took place right after that with the kids. I explained to them I wasn't sure if she really needed the money for gas or just wanted it to buy something else. They wanted to know why someone would say they needed gas money if they didn't really need it. I just explained that some people only want the money to go get other things and they don't always use it for what they say they might. It truly is sad to not know whether the lady was on the "up and up" but from past experiences, I had a feeling the way she acted that it was not. My heart went out to her as well... just in a different way.
I prayed for both of those women this afternoon. I know I will most likely never see them again, but I can still pray for them. Will they come to my mind often or will I think to pray for them as I do those around me who are on my prayer list? Probably not, but I know of many times where the Lord just lays someone on my heart and I say a prayer for them. I am confident the Lord will do that for me with these two women as well.
I thought I would share Psalm 100 tonight. I truly was going to share that last night but the Lord took me to Isaiah instead. This was the theme for our Auction on Saturday and one part that stuck in my mind that our administrator talked about was how it says "it is He that hath made us." Now, I have heard this Psalm and quoted it millions of times, but that phrase just stuck in my mind. It is HE Who has given me the ability to do what I do each day. It is HE Who has given me my family, home, vehicles, etc.. It is nothing I have done but it is the Lord. This is the Psalm we oftentimes think of and say at Thanksgiving, but every day should be a day to praise what the Lord has given to us.
I'll close with the Psalm so enjoy your evening. I have papers to grade and scrapbook pages to continue journaling. I may enjoy a bit of coffee as well. :) Drinking coffee in one hand and eating some dark chocolate in the other hand surely is an awesome combination and a great treat. :)
Enjoy the Psalm and take time to soak in what God's Word is saying:
Psalm 100
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.
Hooray Wesley! Looks like a good start for the young player. Looking down at the ball into his glove. Giving a good swing. Now if only mom will relax. ;-)
Looks like Wesley was having a lot of fun! These shots are so sweet, you did great!
I just love Psalm 100, what a beautiful one it is. My favorite way to praise is through music, I just love the singing. Although, I'm sure those around me aren't so keen on hearing me! LOL!
GO, WES! Great photos and he looks like he's having sooo much fun. Your story about the lady in the Walmart parking lot reminded me of when a guy claiming to be a priest approached Sal in the Cary Towne parking lot and asked for gas money--this was 10-12 yrs ago. Sal gave him $50 bux AND his business card so the guy could send the money back, 'cause he said he would. When Sal told me about it, I explained to him that that was probably a scam, but I loved his innocence in believing the guy was on the up and up. Wasn't crazy that he gave the guy our address, but we had no strange visitors,luckily! Isn't it a shame that those who may really need the help will probably never get it b/c of the scammers. It would be nice if we could be generous all the time, but the few bad apples.....
Here's a great story--We had a guy in our studio this morning singing for a little contest we're doing. He told us his father, who ran out on him 10 yrs ago, heard him while listening on-line in Arizona, reached out to his son whom he had been trying to find for the past few years. 'Dad' is coming to San Diego in June to meet his son. Talk about divine intervention! What a GREAT story!!!!!
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