Thursday, April 03, 2008


Don't have a lot of time to post much today. It has been crazy and the next few days are going to be even crazier. I have to go work on homework, fix "something" for supper and get kids to bed so I can work on some stuff for school... woohoo!

I did have something wonderful to happen, though. I found out this afternoon that one of my students went home and accepted Christ as her Savior! I am so thankful the Holy Spirit pricked her heart and made her see she needed Him. The Mom called me and said she had cried for joy all afternoon. That made my day and I feel very blessed. :)

Thought I'd just share this quote and some tulip pictures.

"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see." Paul Klee - German Expressionist

This quote reminds me of how I photograph. I love details and trying to capture things that we see but we don't really take the time to "see." Enjoy these pics today. Remember you can click on them to see them larger.


Morgan said...

Kellie--just beautiful. Love, love, love the droplets of water.

Amy said...

Kellie, these are fabulous! How neat about your student, that is wonderful!