Sunday, April 06, 2008


I decided I had better post these camellia pictures because they are fading fast around here. I took these the other week as I walked aimlessly around the yard. I love camellias since they bloom in the winter and give splashes of color all around. On this day I was able to notice all of the pollen on the pistil and stamen area. I am just amazed with and LOVE details. :) I know that is a shock to all of you.

Let's just say I woke up this morning feeling as if I had been run over by a truck!! I believe because I was so busy and active yesterday it didn't give my muscles enough time to realize they should be in shock. Believe me, all day long they have shared that with me. lol It killed me to wear heels to church but I had no choice with that for various reasons today. Steve enjoyed the moments of my walking a bit awkward because he "told me so" Friday night. lol I'll let him get his laughing in...

Church was wonderful again today. I learned much in both services. Sunday School discussed more about the brevity of life and how we need the Lord to help us "number our days" so that we can use them for His glory. Just continues to give me things on which to "chew."

Today was another cool and cloudy day. We found out today that one of our local lakes, responsible for giving water to most of Raleigh, is full again! I am so thankful for the rain we have had this past week. God has shown His continued goodness to us.

I have much to do since I have been at school all weekend, basically. I still have papers from Friday to grade and some other "chores" to do that haven't gotten done so I need to cut this short. Enjoy your evening and your sweet times with family. :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow, that's some amazing detail you captured! Look at that pollen! I hope your body is feeling better quickly!