Wednesday, June 27, 2012


My brother would know what this animal is... but I don't.  :)  It is from the Zoo in early May.  Cute thing, isn't it?


If you have read my blog long enough you know I am big on teaching my kids in the responsibility area. well as my students.

This summer, as I mentioned on Monday, I am having Wesley and Mikayla increase their responsibilities.  There are things I really could do myself, but that would not be teaching them.

Wesley has been in the yard a lot cutting grass, putting out mulch and spreading pine straw.  Overall he has a good attitude, but last week he shared with me and Steve that he didn't think it was too fair.  Why? 

....because his buddies from school didn't have to work in the yard.


Well, we are not the parents of the buddies at school and we graciously shared that.  If they were our children they would be right alongside Wes working in the yard.  :)  What Wes is learning is life skills that will take him far.  He is learning from his Daddy and gaining much knowledge.

Mikayla has also been busy, but she is more like her mom and is an inside person.

Girlfriend can flat organize something.  In fact, I have had to laugh a few times because she has cleaned up so well in some areas that I can't find anything I need! 

They are both learning more about preparing food and cleaning up.  They have always had chores, but they are just going a step further.

I am so thankful to see them working hard and doing this because it is pleasing to the Lord and not out of a bitter spirit.

I figure if they are helping make the messes..... they can surely help clean them up.  :)

Have I told anyone lately how much I love my two kiddos? 

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