Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I am having a hard time doing my devotions lately.

I know, I know... what have I been on here "preaching" to all of you recently?

Something has just been different since I finished up school.

What, you might ask?

Well, my kids stay up a lot later.

When I go to do my own devotions, they follow me.... because they want to do theirs with me.  :)

I hear these sweet voices saying, "Mom, are you doing your devotions?  Can I come in there, too?"

It has actually become quite special to my heart and a memory I will forever hold.  They are crawling in bed with me and we are all together.

Doing devotions with my kiddos is meaning that while I am trying to read the Scriptures, one of them reads something from their Bibles and asks a question about it.  That leads to other questions.  Pretty soon I just put down my Bible and let the conversation roll with them.

Yes, I need time alone with the Lord and have enjoyed more of that this week while they have been at VBS at church, but I wouldn't trade any of that time.  I am finding my Quiet Time with the Lord is at different times than bedtime or early morning.. I have to squeeze it in when I can, because my kids are wanting to be with me when I do them.

What better use of my time is that!?

Mikayla is asking pertinent questions that she is needing right now for her growth spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally as she is preparing for Middle School.

Wesley, my deep thinker, is putting a lot more effort into really understanding what the Scripture is saying instead of just reading over it.  We have had quite the conversation over the first few verses in John 1!  He is asking about what certain words mean and it is causing me to have to dig deep to learn myself!!  :)

I can't tell you just how much this time with my kids is meaning to me.  I pray that it will only continue and we will always enjoy our talks around God's Word. 

That is the basis/foundation for all we, as parents, should do, is it not!?

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