Monday, June 18, 2012


Today is a guest post today.... but I am still typing it out.  :)

This is from Mikayla.  I have told her (and Wesley, but he hasn't jumped on this bandwagon yet) to write a couple of times a week and tell about what she has done in her days.  This helps with keeping their sentence structure going without them realizing it.  haha!

I will be admitting first and foremost that you may be hearing A LOT about how I am interacting with the kids and issues we discuss.  I am learning so much while teaching and helping them, too.   I have many posts floating in my mind.

Here is Mikayla's "post" from June 17. (She gave me permission to share.)  She entitled it and everything.  I have typed it as she wrote it.... we're still learning that punctuation and correct sentence structure, mind you.  Hope you enjoy.  It was something pretty special to me.


One of my struggles of being a Christian, is thoughts. I think thought all kinds of bad stuff.  Well, it got to the point to where it was really scaring me.  So last night, I talked to my Mom.  She read and showed me some verses that were awesome!  I'm so glad I have a mom and dad that can comfort me!  My Mom and I also talked.  We talked a lot about my thoughts, but we also talked about the verses.

Here's one of the verses she underlined for me:  
Philippians 4:8 - Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.  
That's an Excellent verse!

So here's my advice for thoughts:  Don't let Satan put bad thoughts in your mind.  But you say, How do I do that?  By memorizing Bible verses, and whenever Satan is tempting you with bad thoughts, say Bible verses!  You can also pray to God, that he will help you.  God will NEVER leave you nor forsake you.  He'll ALWAYS be with us.  Don't let Satan defeat you!  You (with a TON of God's help) defeat HIM!


Anonymous said...

Yea, Makayla, those were some good thoughts . Keep up the good work. Love Grandma !!!

wendy said...

Nice Job! Thought I'd share some links for your kiddos. My friend Kerry (Braintree in my blog links on my sidebar) has two kids that are blogging.

Hannah's is
and Luke's is

Maybe your kids would be interested in starting up their own blogs too.

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

How precious, and very insightful! Great job, Makayla! :)

Hope ya'll are having a wonderful summer!