Thursday, June 14, 2012


I want to have a conversation with you.

In other words... I need some feedback, peeps.  Are you still out there reading?  I realize it is summer and many people are everywhere, but a girl still likes to know whether her words are meaning anything.


Today I will ask a question and answer it myself.  Then, I want to hear from YOU.


Do you collect anything?  If so, what is it? 

Did you collect anything as a child?  If so, what?

(I realize I just asked two questions, specifically four, but they involved the same topic.  :)  )

I really don't collect as many things now as I did when I was little.  I used to collect cats, dolls, wrappers from anything because I never knew when I might need them, etc.  As I have gotten older I have tried to purge more and get rid of things that just collect dust. 

Of course, some people may say I do collect DUST!

However, I know I could say I collect pictures because I just love them so. 

I love anything that deals with my growing up years. 

I also have been collecting things in which to photograph newborns.  Anyone out there about to have a newborn and want me to photograph him/her?  I am dying to try out some of my new little hats and diaper covers.  :)

Hmm... I guess I should also say I collect jelly/jam jars.  It will be time for me to start up that process again soon.  The kids and I love it.

I sometimes wish I was more like those thrifty shoppers (Ronda and Gretchen... my online/real friends) that can find all kinds of interesting things at cheap prices to use around the house, but, alas, I am just a person not used to much change.  I am getting better, but I figure if it still works, I will continue to use it.  Every now and again I go wild and change things up.  Usually you all are aware of that because I post it here.

SO... it is your turn.  Please leave me a comment answering the questions.  I really do want to hear from you!


wendy said...

current collections: willow tree angels, scrapbook supplies (actually, i'm more of a hoarder than a collector when it comes to pretty paper)

childhood collections: bells, stickers, stationery

and i made strawberry freezer jam today for the 1st time in my life. aren't you proud of me?

mc said...

Let's see, I collected dolls as a child and those little animals made of china that you get at museum gift shops! Right now, I collect willow tree angels and yankee candles. I started a collection of old primer schoolbooks. I need to get going on that again. Love going in old bookstores!

mindy said...

well, we have started collecting those brass/gold souvenir Christmas ornaments when we visit special places...I have ones from Savannah, Biltmore, the Smithsonian Museum, a Carnival cruise, and a few others. It makes me smile each year as I remind the boys where each ornament was purchased. I also LOVE to purchase any kind of cute note cards. I have so many of them it's rather shameful!