Saturday, May 26, 2012



So what have I been doing this first full day of my summer vacation?

Stayed in bed longer just because I could.  Still got up "early" compared to some people's thoughts of late.

Caught up on my blog reading.  I was about 3 weeks behind finding out how all of my peeps in blogworld have been doing.

Walked my 3.3 miles.  It felt wonderful.

Began cleaning up the end of the year mess that accumulates in large quantities the last two weeks of school.

Washed sheets.

Cleaned up the kitchen.... which is still a work in progress.

Began cleaning/cleaning out the fridge.  Oh my... it had been neglected far too long as I have been in survival mode.

Wandered around aimlessly having some ADD cleaning moments in other parts of the house.

Cleaned out one side of my jewelry armoire.  Found some necklaces that have been in there way too long.

Did everything at a slower pace.

Enjoyed the day.


Savannah said...

Wow! You have been one busy lady! I'm sure it feels wonderful to get all that accomplished! :) David's last day was last Wednesday. Thursday I did NOT set my clock, thinking I would sleep in a little, but I was still up at the regular time! ha! I've got to fine tune that summer schedule! :)

Have a blessed Memorial Day!

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

oppss...that comment above was from me! Am on Ash's laptop and didn't think to change over to my blog! :)