Wednesday, May 09, 2012



Today I am:

THANKFUL for the way NC voted for the marriage amendment.

SAD at all of the hullabaloo that it has caused and how some people are so rude on both sides of the issue.

CONCERNED with the direction of our country with our President's latest "affirmation."

BURDENED for the lost and for those who say I am judgmental for the way I believe in what God's Word says.

HAPPY that I serve a God Who is in control no matter what.

PRAYERFUL over many things as of late.

REJOICING that I only have about 2 weeks of school left.

OVERWHELMED in these last few days of school with everything that needs to be done.

EXCITED about time off from school and the ability to get into a new Bible study.

AMAZED at God's provision.

APPRECIATIVE of my husband and what he does for me daily.

LOVING my family.

READY to keep going with God getting me through.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Only two weeks? Yay!!! HELLO summer!
Let's have a girls night out!