Thursday, May 03, 2012



This goes along with what I shared yesterday.  This is the information we have been given on Protecting Marriage in North Carolina from

"As the foundational institution of society that is built on the complementary male-female union, marriage was created by God to provide children with the mother and father they need to thrive.  This age-old understanding of marriage is currently under attack by those who ultimately seek to normalize sexual and gender confusion.

On May 8, 2012, North Carolinians will have the opportunity to protect the institution of marriage in North Carolina by voting FOR a State Constitutional amendment that reads: "Marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State."  

Following are some of the reasons why North Carolina needs a Marriage Amendment.

Marriage is Under Attack:
  • Eight states plus D.C. have redefined marriage to include same-sex couples.
  • Voters in 30 states, including every southern state except North Carolina, have protected the institution of marriage by adopting a constitutional amendment.
  • Without a Marriage Amendment, North Carolina's marriage laws are vulnerable to a state court challenge or revision by the legislature.

Parental Rights Are At Risk:
  • Redefining marriage alters hundreds of other laws as well, including what is taught in public schools concerning marriage, gender, and sexuality.
  • In states where same-sex "marriage" is legal, children are taught in school that homosexual behavior is normal, and that same-sex unions are the legal and moral equivalent of traditional marriage.
  • The marriage Amendment will help preserve the right of parents to transmit core values about sex, gender, and family to their children.

Religious Freedom Is At Stake:
  • Faith leaders warn that the "most urgent peril" of marriage redefinition is the compulsion of individuals and organizations to treat same-sex relationships as the "moral equivalent" of marriage.
  • In states with same-sex "marriage" or civil unions/domestic partnerships, religious adoption agencies have been forced to close their doors for not placing children with same-sex couples; and religious professionals and business owners have been sanctioned for not offering services (i.e. counseling, housing or ceremony facilities) to same-sex couples.
  • A vote for the Marriage Amendment is a vote FOR religious freedom!"

1 comment:

Tim said...

Kelly, in a small sense I feel torn between accepting your posts from the last two days as 100% truth and my current thoughts, but...
I have chosen to "draw the line" on the side of safety. Feeling safe that I don't alienate the gay Christian man in our church choir, the gay Christian man I work with or the gay men living two blocks away in our neighborhood. This safety allows me to be their "Barnabus" and show God's grace, while allowing God to convict their heart in His time.
I agree that "the world is going to hell in a hand basket" but I don't think I should push anybody away from the church by voting Yes.