Thursday, October 21, 2010


We enjoyed riding at the fair.... I love to ride certain things but can't handle them all. I found out last year that the swings gave me the heebie jeebies, but I went back on them this year and did alright. Of course, most of the time I was staring at the back of Mikayla's head. lol

Swings in action before I got on them....

Steve, Wes and Kevin do the "Drop Zone"

Up, up, up.... click....

They made it!

Waiting in line to ride the roller coaster. Fun ride.... Wesley was finally tall enough to ride it. It was a bit jerky for Steve, though. lol

Bumper cars are a must and here are those who chose to ride. I was the photographer so I had to sit this one out... er, uh... photograph them.

Wesley waiting patiently for them to start the cars.

Daddy has a little too much fun... lol

Kevin really gets into trying to hit his niece...

Mikayla got close enough for me to capture her little self!

Steve had a blast, too.

The Scrambler is another favorite. We just love that ride. :)

Mikayla got to ride with me this time. Her laughter was the best part... she giggled the whole time!

Whew... done... I was dizzy!

Kevin and Wesley survived. :)


Anonymous said...

Yep I remember the bumper cars, Steve and Mick used to tey to kill me and Ronda. Kellie enjoy it while you can girl. They grow up so fast. looks like you all had a blast. Love! Love!

Sandy said...

You are MUCH braver than I!!! I just don't "do" rides. Though I will sometimes do the swings.
I love the close up pic of Mikayla!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Fowler! I love the Scrambler too! It's one of my favorites! I also love the rollar coasters and the Flying Bobs! :D


(Love your blog! :D)