Thursday, October 14, 2010


Today I saw a former parent and we did the typical greeting of how are you and why haven't you come to see me, etc...

Both of our responses: "We've just been so busy."

Do you ever get tired of saying that?

I do.

The parent made a statement to me that has stuck with me all day and I agree with her wholeheartedly.

She said that if we continue to keep our families so busy our children will never know how to be still before the Lord.

As a society today we are on the go to this ballgame and that ballgame, or this activity or something else. There are video games and TV that cause the mind to be on a permanent racing track.... never calm, never still.

Nothing is wrong with those things in and of themselves, but when they take our time and suck us dry as a person, parent and child, then is it really worth it?

Are we really accomplishing so much by feeling stressed out all of the time and not enjoying this life God has given us? Our life is already but a vapor and it seems we accelerate it by trying to do what the world wants... be in every activity imaginable.

Don't get me wrong, I believe in pushing your children and helping them to excel, but there is a difference in that and running ragged trying to do everything. It goes back to QUALITY and not quantity.

I recently heard on the news that the government is looking into a longer school year for American children. They see us compared to other countries and we are behind.

I realize that we do have downfalls in our education system. That begins at home, in my opinion.....

But....when is enough going to be enough?

Probably never.

Society demands so much.

Do they also tell you about the high suicide rate in some of these countries because the children are pushed so hard they feel they can never amount to the perfection expected from them?

No, not really.

What did Jesus say to Martha when she was working so hard and complaining that Mary was just sitting at the feet of Jesus?

"Martha, Martha, thou art careful (anxious) and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her."

Do we sit at Jesus' feet enough? Do we teach our children to do so?

This is a reminder for me as I even type this!

We as parents must guard our families and be "jealous" over them.... not let "things" get in the way of time for our children to learn what is important and how to be still before God.


Sandy said...

So good & so true! And "aging" doesn't slow things down much.. it's a matter of choosing "that good part" throughout life. Thanks for the reminder!

Mich said...

beautiful post that rings true in my schedule now. Thanks for the reminder.

Lynne said...

Love this post, Kellie! It is so true! Thank you for posting it! We are working on this ourselves! :)