Friday, December 25, 2009


Merry Christmas!

I hope your day has been filled with wonderful moments.

I have had precious moments today.

Wesley had told me last weekend that I would know a lot of love on Christmas Day. He said I would know how much he loves me then. Little did he realize that those precious words would be all the present I would need.

Today arrived and presents were all around. There were two presents that had never been in mine and Steve's piles before.... presents from Wesley and Mikayla themselves.

We found out that our two sweeties used their own money and bought us gifts.

Never did I think that they would do something like that.

It isn't that I thought they were selfish, it was just that at their age I just didn't see them doing that. It would be more of a thing where Steve took them for a gift for me and I took them for a gift for Steve, etc....

They were so excited for us to open them. Steve got a Wii game from Wesley that he and Wesley could play together. He got a UNC hooded sweatshirt from Mikayla.

For me, they did something that is precious to my "Mother's Heart".... literally and figuratively. Here are the sweet gifts:

Wesley gave me this heart charm/silver necklace. He kept smiling and saying "See how much I love you??" -- Oh, buddy.... more than you'll ever realize.

Here is my precious gift from Mikayla. It caused me to have some tears. I have always seen these and thought of Mom, but never thought of these between Mikayla and me. Maybe it is because she has been so little and we hadn't "arrived" at that yet. Anyway, the inscription with the necklaces goes like this:

"A mother teaches her daughter to dream and a daughter teaches her mother to love."
- Author Unknown

One of the necklaces is for me and the other for Mikayla.

It was beyond words for this Mother's heart to bear today. I wish I could wear both of them every day. lol They both are equally precious in my eyes for different reasons. I am so blessed by the Lord with the two children He has given to us. I wanted to show pics of Steve and me with Wesley and Mikayla after we opened the gifts so you can see Steve's gifts as well, but Blogger is being difficult with my pics the last couple of days. Not sure what is up with that.

Off to spend more time with my precious ones.....


Sandy said...

Those are the kind of gifts you treasure for a lifetime! Most of all because of the thoughts behind them.
G.' kids drew pictures & wrote notes to us & wrapped them in full size boxes, & couldn't have been more proud than if they'd spent a million bucks on them. We are so blessed!

Anonymous said...

Your children are precious gifts from God Himself. He created them just for you and Steve to show you love through them and in them and for them. Bless you tons!