Friday, December 04, 2009


We had Christmas Craft Day at school today. I am pooped. It is interesting to me how much more tired I am on a day that is "off schedule" than one where everything goes like normal. On top of Craft Day we had more play practice this afternoon. My brain is a bit stretched/tired. ha!

You know, I am amazed at how many children I have been teaching whether at church or school that do not know common Christmas carols. (Ones like "O Come All Ye Faithful", "Silent Night", Hark! The Herald Angels Sing", etc... )

In the last few years I have noticed it getting worse at school so I have made it my yearly "mission" to make sure we sing as many of them as possible. Years ago a former Teacher Assistant wrote out the words for me so that the kids would have them in front of them. Just know that Mrs. Fowler is going to do her part to help these children in the Christmas carol department and we're going to sing as much as we can... whether we are fully on key or not! :)


Anonymous said...

Isay You go Girl! I will be willing to bet they sound beautiful. I have been loving the devotionals and of course those beautiful pictures.
Love !!

mc said...

Yeah! They should know those carols! Many are even in most hymn books. There are also some awesome devotional books that tell the history of each carol. You go girl!

wendy said...

I hear ya on the Christmas carols. Kids really don't know them (and they don't know hymns either). We've been singing carols every day and I'm playing Christmas music whenever I get a chance.

Morgan said...

Cassie still has all her Christmas crafts from school. She still pulls them out one by one and announced them: "I did this one in Mrs. Fowlers' class" and "this one we did in Kindergarden"....she loves each and every one and they hang with pride our tree!