Monday, December 07, 2009


Here is a picture of our church for our little village for Christmas. This is the first part of our village that Steve and I bought fifteen or sixteen years ago. It is precious to me because of that memory and also for what it stands for. It is always the center and highest in my village.

In thinking more on why Jesus came I had to share this that the Lord has laid on my heart in recent weeks. As you know, I love the group Selah and this song, "Unredeemed" is on their newest CD. I'll be the first to admit that when I originally saw the title of this song I thought it was odd because I know I have been redeemed by the blood of Christ. However, the song takes on new meaning for every day life happenings that sometimes "haunt" us. The words to this song are so powerful and continue to show the love of God to me.... even when I mess up in life. They are just "places where grace is...."

This powerpoint of the song has the words with it so I didn't have to type them out! This song has blessed me more times than I can count... may it bless you as well.


Vonda said...

Thanks for sharing! I love that song.

Anonymous said...

Oh! my gosh , that was beautiful .I really needed to hear those words, it really touched my heart. Thanks Dear!!