Friday, December 18, 2009


I can't believe it, but it is snowing here today in Raleigh, NC right before Christmas! I honestly can't recall that happening before. I know we have had it right after Christmas, but not so close beforehand. The kids at school were all excited. Our administrator was just glad school was out so we didn't have to cancel any school. lol

School is out for Christmas break.

I am so glad!

My sweet man and I are off for the weekend to spend some time together. We do not get to do this often and last year when he surprised me with our trip to Asheville it made us want to try to do it each year. I am not sure if every year will work out for us to do it around Christmas, but at least we are able to do so again this year!

This year we are off to the other end of the state... near Beaufort, NC. It is going to be cold, WINDY and rainy, but we are going to make the best of it!! I'll "see" you all when we get back on Sunday.


Kelly said...

Isn't the snow beautiful!!! They are such big flakes.
I'm so glad you guys get to go off together. Hope you have a wonderful and refreshing time!!!

Vonda said...

Have a great weekend. Sounds like fun!

Katrina said...

Have fun Kellie! Enjoy your break from school, we started our break today too. I am so looking forward to a bit of relaxing having fun.

Morgan said...

awwww....have a great time!!! (more nutcrackers!! *smile*