Sunday, March 30, 2008


Thought I'd post "Life of a Dandelion" today. lol I took these with my new lens. I was actually amazed at how pretty dandelions could be. Now, I realize most people hate these things... and I must say their roots go down to China and can be quite hateful, but they are still a part of God's Creation. lol I had a bit of a challenge in photographing the ones where they go to seed. The wind has been blowing non-stop it seems lately and that makes it hard to get a really sharp picture. lol Anyway, I was out in the middle of the yard the other day and I know the neighbors wondered what in the world I was doing! I think it is rather interesting to see how a dandelion is yellow with the flower and then turns into that puff of whiteness with the seeds. Those seeds blow so easily into the wind and are carried all around. That, my friends, is why we will never fully get rid of them! lol I still think they are kind of pretty. :)

We've decided to let Wesley play baseball this spring. I must say, I am not that excited only because I already know how busy and crazy life is right now. Adding one more thing to it is not my idea of fun. This will be a "Steve" thing, except for the games. I guess I am feeling so reserved about it because I know how wearisome I feel after school each day and to have to run somewhere else is not my idea of fun. The kids feel it, too, because they also have to get up early each morning. We'll see how it goes. I'll support my son...

Today at church our Youth Pastor preached because our Pastor is away on a vacation the church had planned for him and his wife. He preached on taking the Lord's name in vain and it was quite thought provoking. When we casually say "Oh my God!" or even "gosh", "golly", etc... those are taking the Lord's name in vain. Empty words. Our God is not empty, yet each day many times we say things that cause His name to be used empty. I have always been taught not to use "Oh my God" but "gosh" sometimes comes out as well as saying "Lord have mercy"... He looked many of these "safer" phrases up in the dictionary and read them to us that they are just a "safer" form of "Oh my God" and are still taking the Lord's name in vain. He is right... that is an empty use for my Lord and Saviors name. We must guard our hearts and tongues and make sure when we speak our Lord's name it is with full reverence and not a hasty side phrase. I'm still chewing on that message...

I have things to do to get ready for tomorrow... going back to school.. so I guess I should get off of here. Have a blessed day and enjoy what the Lord is showing us in spring!

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I remember having dinner with you guys one night and saying "oh my gosh" and Wesley calling me on it. I didn't know what I had said wrong-- well now I know! Whodda thunk.....

Your pictures of the dandelions are gorgeous--especially the white, puffy form. Wow, I never new the 'design' each little seed had until looking thru your lens! Keep 'em comin' girl.