Wednesday, March 26, 2008


My pictures for today are all forsythia (or 'yellow bells' as we call them here in the south!). Ours seems to bloom a couple of weeks after everyone else's. As I drove around today I saw that many forsythia bushes are turning over to leaves now. Ours are still really pretty and yellow. These used to be twigs dug up from Steve's Mom's next door neighbors house a few years ago. (That was a mouthful!) They have grown and look much prettier this year than they ever have. I took these last Saturday with my new 90mm lens. It was VERY challenging to photograph these, especially the up close ones, because of the wind and these were all taken handheld with no tripod. Some may not be as sharp as I wanted but it couldn't be helped that day. You can click on them to see the detail larger. I experimented with different aperatures again.

Today was another wonderful spring day. The kids played outside a lot again today. We met Steve for lunch and then ran an errand before coming back home and enjoying the day. I also scrapbooked some more. I am now officially working on Mikayla's school scrapbook. I have a couple of more spreads to do in hers before starting Wesley's. I became a bit wearied with it this afternoon and the kids and I watched a movie.

It seems I am either still dealing with sinus stuff or allergies now. I have literally dealt with this now for a month. I feel better than I did when I first began it all, but I would really like it to leave. lol Steve is also dealing with it, which makes me think allergies. The thing is... I have never dealt with allergies in my life so this is just another chapter of growing older. lol

Not as much to say today. I think I have said it all so much in my last few posts!! Anyway, we have AWANA tonight at church so I need to go get supper on the table.

Have a great evening...


Amy said...

These are so pretty! My favorites are the first, third and fourth ones. You captured some really nice detail and your DOF is great!

Funny thing, Wayne has allergies this year for the first time ever! Must be something in the air...LOL!

Morgan said...

another spring thing I miss from the South--forsythia. Those shots are beautiful. Growing up the lady next door had a forsythia bush that was 10-12 ft wide and when it bloomed, it was like she had the sun sitting in her yard. Man, I loved it! Thanks for the memory....