Monday, March 10, 2008


My picture from today is one I took the other weekend. I was just randomly taking pictures of the birds from my parents sunroom window and caught this Cardinal leaving the feeder! It isn't a masterpiece shot, but I was just tickled to catch it in action. :)

Yesterday when we were at Mom and Dad's again for lunch, I set up my tripod and had my camera poised and ready on the suet they put in the plate for "Brittany" the red-shouldered hawk. I stood for the longest time behind the tripod so I would "blend in" and she wouldn't see any movement. After a while, my brother told me to just sit next to it. lol Well, all of a sudden here she comes.... she landed next to the plate and began looking around. I began to stand up slowly to capture the moment, when all of a sudden she grabbed hold of a chunk of suet with her tallons and OFF SHE FLEW!! I pressed the shutter button quickly but got nothing but blurred green grass and a partial tree limb. Was I irritated? Yes. lol I had stuff to do for school so I figured with the chunk she took she wouldn't be back anytime soon. I packed everything back up and we headed home. Mom tells me today, though, that Brittany came back two or more times after we left. Doesn't that always happen that way!? LOL... some day... some day....

I finally decided yesterday I needed to go to the doctor. This mess was still hanging around after two weeks and I was actually beginning to feel like I had just started the mess last night. I was achy again and even began wheezing some. Today at school I called the doc but they had no openings until Wednesday or Thursday. (argh!) I just figured I would have to go to the Pharmacist and get on something different because what I have been taking wasn't working anymore. Thankfully, when I got home this afternoon, there was a message that there had been a cancellation late this afternoon!! Steve got home and I went on and it was a good thing. I have a sinus/respiratory type infection and bronchitis! No wonder I haven't felt like doing anything for two weeks! It truly is amazing I haven't run a fever. I have felt enough achiness, though, to count. I came home and began my antibiotics and I'll take my cough syrup tonight. Apparently, that stuff has some hydrocodone in it so I shall sleep like a baby. lol I won't be taking any going to school, though. Could you imagine me trying to teach with that stuff in my system!??? I'm just thankful they had an opening this afternoon. If I had kept going, feeling the way I do at the moment, it wouldn't have been pretty. Let's hope that antibiotic kicks in quickly.

Oh... let's just say poor Steve had an interesting weekend. He had to work all day/evening Saturday and didn't get in till after midnight on Sunday morning... which meant after one with the time change. Then, he got paged at 6:30 that morning that one of the bathrooms at one of the town parks was on fire. It seems that on Friday night some teenagers decided to set fire to a dumpster that had recycled phone books in them. The fire department put that one out but didn't report it. Well, late Saturday night teenagers decided they wanted to improve upon Friday night so they took a few phone books out of the dumpster before setting the other one on fire, then they went to the bathroom, put the phone books in the toilets and lit them. The heat from the fire caused the toilets to "explode" so to speak and burn areas in the bathrooms. Nice, huh? This is what our tax dollars have to pay for. Whatever happened to knowing where your children are and what they are doing???? I couldn't believe it when he told me what had happened. Really.... these teenagers need to go work on a farm or something very labor intensive. They need to learn the value of hard work and how to spend their time wisely.

Well, I have papers to grade and supper to eat. Steve has been a sweetie and went over the kids homework while I was gone to the doctors and now he's warming up some leftovers for us to have for supper. I better grade papers before I take that cough medicine or who knows what grade the kids will get! ha!!!
Have a great evening. :)


Sal Cartusciello said...

Sinus/respiritory broncitis. I would guess there is no chance of you staying home and resting. ;-)
Well, feel better, and try to rest.

As for the teenagers, it is not hard work that they need. They need some parents that care, more punishment for their doings, and a fear of God that we had while growing up.

Bobby Knight was just asked what the difference was in the teenagers he has recruited over the last 40 years. He said, the two year old is the same child in 1968 as 2008. It is the what parents do to them, or don't do to them that has changed in 40 years.

Amy said...

Wow, I'm glad you made it to the doctor's office earlier, that all sounds miserable! I sure hope that by now you're feeling a million times better!