Saturday, March 22, 2008


I finally did it... I had saved up enough money to buy my new lens I had been wanting!! I chose a Tamron 90mm. My photography mentor has this one and, after reviewing all of the ones he suggested, I chose this. I got it yesterday but was able to "play" with it today since I was gone all day with Daddy yesterday.

I must say that macro photography is different than pictures with my other lenses!! I have lots of practice to do so you will be seeing lots of these kinds of shots. lol My online friend, Amy, inspires me many days. She has been working with macro a lot longer and I have thoroughly enjoyed her shots.

The ones I took today (and the ones you will be seeing in future posts) were taken in our yard. I went around and got up close and personal with weeds and flowering plants. I loved every minute of it and even got a bit dirty. (That is a bit surprising for me because I usually don't get as close as this, but, again, a new thing for me. lol) All of these pictures today are of our hydrangea beginning to leaf out. I thought the leaves were quite neat... and new!

I love the color of leaves in the spring... they are that light green color that shows the new growth.

With my new lens I have the ability to have lower aperatures. I am digging experimenting again with the f/2.8. (For those of you that have no clue what I am meaning, it just means I can control even more how much is in focus in the picture.)

I had difficulty with the wind today, though. I took a zillion shots but didn't like a lot of them because of movement. I handheld through all shots, which is challenging with this lens. I want to become stronger in that area. I know I'll have to use a tripod eventually, depending on what I am photographing.

Other than photographing today, I have cleaned a bit and scrapbooked some. I plan on "power scrapbooking" on Monday as it is supposed to be in the 40's and, I think, rainy. Perfect day for that!! I must say my body is feeling rather lazy, though. I think I have been in overdrive for so many weeks now that I just want to go around at a SLOW pace and not HAVE to do anything. lol That isn't always a great way to be but for today, it is how it is. :)

The kids have been in the yard most of the day with Steve. He is trying to get the yard ready for the big "birthday bash" in a few weeks. We want them to learn the value of working and doing their part so they are helping. Apparently, Steve killed a snake before he even knew it. It was a baby snake and Mikayla had to come in and tell me all about it. As you all should know by now, I am the "inside" person unless it involves photographing something. I never claim to anything done in the yard because that is Steve's hard work. I am very thankful and blessed to have a man who works so hard. He is one in a million. (I DO cut grass, though... see, that makes me feel a bit better... )

We are going out to eat with my parents and brother tonight. The kids are quite dirty so they'll have to get clean before we can go anywhere!

Tomorrow is Easter and it is supposed to be cool and cloudy. Not a perfect moment for photographing the family, and I have no idea what to wear, but that is not the reason for Easter, anyway. It will be a wonderful day to meditate on Christ's giving of Himself on the cross.

I need to close for now. I am looking forward to showing more pictures with my lens!! :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Kellie, you did fabulous on these shots! I'm impressed that they're handheld, that is most difficult! My recommendation would be to use a tripod when possible and to use manual focus. I have the Canon 100mm and manual focus is so much better for me than using AF. Thanks for the nice comments, that is very sweet of you! Happy Easter! Amy :)