Thursday, March 06, 2008


Today's pictures are of a tambourine. I tried to do some different views of it so it wouldn't look boring. Kind of hard to do with a tambourine. lol This is not an instrument we think of using all of the time but it definitely has its uses. All I know how to do is shake one, but I am sure there is an "art" to it. :)

I have been SO BUSY this week. I have had appointments right after school on Monday and Tuesday and then last night was church. Today I had a meeting after school for a Social Studies curriculum project of which I am a part. I am thankful that there are five of us because we all help each other think!! After teaching all day we don't always know the right words to put down. lol

This "gunk" I have had surely doesn't want to go away from me very quickly. I must say I am tired of it hanging on. I feel better, but I don't at the same time. It seems Wesley has gotten the mess and I am just trying to give him meds and such, too. I truly have not had much energy this week to get on here and post. I also haven't taken any pictures. School has so much going on right now that I am not able to get my camera out. Maybe this weekend??? We'll see.

Most of you know that I LOVE history. I have been teaching about the Revolutionary War period and my person of the day to teach my kids today was John Hancock. Until today I didn't know as much about that man that put his "John Hancock" so largely on the Declaration of Independence.
Do you know that he did sign the document first and for about a month his was the only signature on the document?
He was also quite wealthy AND King George III wanted him and Samuel Adams to be caught and tried for treason.
He wasn't a great general in battle... he was more concerned with his clothing. It actually took him 3 weeks to pack his trunk. Instead of figuring out war plans, he was trying to figure out how a runner could take his dirty clothes home and bring him back clean ones. LOL
He was much better at "entertaining" the troops and throwing parties.
He was so well-liked that he just KNEW he was going to be asked to be the head of the new US army, but they asked George Washington instead.
He loved and admired Washington so much that he named his son John George Washington Hancock. That is a mouthful!
He was actually the Governor of Massachusetts for nine terms.
He suffered from terrible gout in his later years and died at the age of 56 (or was it 58??).
He tried to run for President of the US, but people were concerned about his health and John Adams defeated him.

I sit and think of how our country was started and all of the "rebellion" that began it. I guess when you learn history sometimes we get the sugar-coated version, or that is how we absorb the facts we are getting. The older I get and the more life experiences I have had, it shows me just how BRAVE our forefathers were in what they did. Have you ever really READ the Declaration of Independence? Not just the part about "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, etc...", but what they SAID about King George III? No wonder that man was mad. lol They said some pretty serious stuff that I don't know if I would have ever had the courage to say! Since getting deeper and deeper into historical facts with my teaching I am learning so much about the details of our history that before was known but not really KNOWN to me. (I'll be the first to admit I was not the best at remembering details and facts when I was in school. In fact, I just didn't apply myself and gave really stupid answers to something I should have learned better. lol)

I find many people don't want to look back on history because they say it has no relevance to today or it is 'boring.' If you think about it, history is actually quite exciting.... you just have to teach it that way. Yes, there are lots of dates and such that can be overwhelming but when you get down to what people have done to make our country what it is today, it should make you stand up and shout for the blessing of freedom we so often take for granted. Many men and women have given of their lives just so we can be free. How often do we really stop to think about that?

Through all of the choices in our past history, good and bad, God's hand of Providence has been there. As I look towards the future for our country with regards to a new President and other government officials, I know God will put into power the one He deems necessary to carry out His plans to the fullest. The Lord is showing me through history that He always has and always will be in control and I need to continually give my days and thoughts/worries to Him. He is the one Who sets up the rulers and government. It is all a part of His plan. We just need to do our part as the Lord leads, guides and directs, and let Him handle the rest.

Didn't mean to go off on a historical teaching tangent, but... well, I did. lol

I have tons of papers to grade tonight as well as the curriculum stuff to work on. The kids want to spend the night with Mom and Dad since they don't have school tomorrow. I have a teacher workday. I have to take them up there in a few minutes. Steve is working late so I guess I will get much accomplished.

Take time today to think of the sacrifices that have been made for you and I to live in this free country. We have to do our part to make sure those freedoms remain and are not slowly taken away. We have already seen some of that! Thank the Lord that He allowed you to be born in this great country. It is a great country even if it has faults. No place on this earth is going to be perfect because there are imperfect people that live here. Continue to remember that God IS in control. Nothing happens by chance.

Have a blessed evening. Think of me as I grade a ton of papers. lol


Unknown said...

I really like History too especially the Industrial Revolution...not that I know a lot about it, but early factories, figuring out how to make complex machines to help with work, it is amazing. I watch that stuff all the time on the History Channel and National Geographic. I guess that i the Engineer in me ;)
I like most history though. It is amazing to look back and see what our forefathers did to pave the way for the lives that we have now.
Have fun grading your papers..... :)

Amy said...

Kellie, I LOVE history and so do my girls, I like to take them to see where things have taken place. We read the Declaration of Independence before we went to DC and have a copy of it in our school room. :) You sound like a good teacher, my teachers never made history interesting. I began to become really interested in it while teaching Allyson and Anika, now it is our favorite subject!

Gosh, that creepy crud is stubborn! I hope you and Wesley are feeling better very soon!