Friday, February 29, 2008


This is a picture of guitar pegs (an old guitar) and in the background is an Australian instrument of which I know the name but do not know how to spell it. Seeing as I am a teacher I am choosing not to try for fear of "looking ignorant..." lol I liked the pegs on this guitar.

I am ready for this "whatever I have" to end. I feel so sapped of energy. It didn't help that this afternoon after school I had to take Wesley and Mikayla on a "hike" through a local nature preserve so they could get counted for their last section in their AWANA books. I enjoyed walking with my kids but my body was yelling at me saying "WHAT are you doing?????"

Last night I took generic Nyquil and slept like a baby again. Boy, that stuff is good but it surely gave me a "buzz" this morning. lol

Steve left this morning for a weekend at Myrtle Beach playing golf. Yahoo. (Can you tell I am thrilled?) I miss him terribly and feel so much like a part of me is gone when he is not here. The kids are really missing him, too. I applaud women who have to deal with their husbands being gone on business trips for extended periods of time. (Men who have to deal with their wife being gone, too...) I'm like Mikayla... I like my family to be all together in one place, not scattered. I hope he has fun playing golf but I'll be ready for him to get back home.

Wesley asked me this evening at the nature preserve why I didn't bring my camera. Can you believe I just didn't have the energy? You KNOW I haven't felt right if I have had no desire to really take a picture.

I am trying to make tonight fun and "special" for the kids. We are having a picnic (at least they will... I will sit in a chair) in the middle of the den floor, I have a fire going and we're eating pizza. Then I am baking some of those plop them in the pan cookies. I am such the cook and baker for my children, aren't I? At this point, I don't really care as long as we eat something. lol

I also was going to clean my house when I got home from school. Guess what? I don't think my house is going to get cleaned this weekend. I have GOT to work on their scrapbooks for their birthday party to get them caught up. I am going to work on those in the morning while they are at a play date with some friends. Then, when they get home we are going over to my best friend's house and hang out with them before we go out to eat and see a movie with them. That will be nice to spend some time with them and not feel so "alone." Therefore, the house doesn't look like it is going to have time to be messed with...

Well, I am being summoned by my daughter that they are ready for "movie night." I need to go check on those pizza's, too. Have a wonderful evening.


Amy said...

Gosh, I sure hope you're feeling better soon! Is the instrument a didgeridoo? Enjoy your weekend, even though you'll be missing Steve. What movie are you going to see?

Sal Cartusciello said...

Everyone I know back east has this "flu / cold". Feel better soon.

Hope Steve hits 'em straight.

Gretchen said...

So sorry to hear you've been sick. It is rampant right now. My dad has the flu and I've had a sick child for 5 days. 8 out of 16 kids plus her teacher were out on Friday! Crazy!
Get well soon.

Morgan said...

Has the earth fallen off it's axis? Did the moon not align with the stars? Both you and Casey go on nature walks and don't take your cameras????? WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE WORLD??????? ; )

I have co-workers who are dealing with round 2 of this nasty cold/flu. If you didn't do the antibiotics the 1st time around, it sits dormant for a little while then comes back. Hope you feel better real soon!!!! And get you some anti-biotics if you didn't!