Monday, February 25, 2008


I am finally showing my favorite bowl from the other day. This bowl was bought in Hungary and it is BEAUTIFUL.(click on the pics to see the detail up close) It is made out of maple, I believe she told me. Anyway, I took a couple of different angles of it to show off the beautiful carving. I realize the first angle is QUITE tilted, but I didn't want to do "straight on." I just loved it. My friend's son actually made the carved plate underneath it when he was in college and it made a beautiful set.

OK... today I cried over a tree.

I know you think I have totally lost my mind now, but it is another one of those sentimental things. Do you remember from my post the other day when I talked about them tearing down the trees to build a new bridge near our house? Well, the tree that I literally grew up with and SAW every day of my life that I went to school or went to Raleigh came down today.

Now, you might say I need to "chill" on the emotions but this wasn't just any tree. It bent over the road so it was like a landmark to me. (My brother feels similar to me, although he wouldn't cry over it, because he is the one who pointed out it wasn't behind the orange "save the tree fencing" they put up when they are about to destroy something to build something else.) I have been wanting to photograph the tree for some time now but I was either going to or from school or people were near there or there was heavy traffic. I didn't want to be out there alone and I surely didn't want to stop while the kids were with me. Therefore, there is no picture of what used to be and when I saw today they had taken off the part that bent over the road, well, it tore me up. I equate it on a much smaller scale (much, much smaller) to the day they tore our dairy barn down. Is that silly or WHAT? Geesh.

I guess it is like I told Steve when I got home... I feel like everything I have ever known is changing so fast around here. This is where I was born and grew up... I have seen SO many changes and it blows me away some days.

I really need to get off of this soap box because I have been on it entirely too much in my posts lately.

On a sweet note, Wesley tells me this afternoon that he and a friend were talking in class when they weren't supposed to. The teacher saw his friend talking and told her she lost her privilege of whatever they were doing at the time. She didn't see that Wesley was talking, too. Well, Wesley said he immediately said to his teacher that he had been talking too and would need to sit down. That melted my heart today. He said "It is good I told the truth, right, Mom?" I told him that was definitely the case! That boy has the softest and truest heart.

I am thankful for the wisdom each day from the Lord to help me and Steve be the parents we need to be for our kids. It definitely doesn't mean we always "get it right" but that takes a lifetime of learning as well.

The kids have come in from playing and now need to start their homework. I should figure out something that we are going to actually eat for supper. (My friend Karen who now reads this blog should have something AWESOME for supper tonight, right, Karen??? hee hee)

Have a wonderful evening. I would say go hug a tree but you really would think I have lost it. Instead... go hug your better half!! ha!! (at least I am laughing at the end of this post, right?)


Amy said...

Wow, that bowl is downright gorgeous, the carvings are amazing!

I'm sad for you losing the tree, that is a sad moment. Near where I grew up (my parents still live there), there was a really long line of eucalyptus trees (maybe 50 of them) and one time I went to visit and it was just a bunch of stumps. I was so upset that they were gone, I had known them to be there my entire life, the area looked bare with them gone. There is another grove of them along a nearby street and last time I went to visit, I noticed a bunch of signs near them that say "Save these trees, stop at _________ and sign the petition." Apparently, someone is now thinking of cutting these down and it's not a popular decision.

Anonymous said...

You nut!! My husband raved like supper was awesome, but I think he was just trying to encourage me to cook more often!

I can't beleive you cried over a tree. You are a sentimental woman! I have been enjoying all the pictures you took in Norma's room. When I finally get some real lenses for my camera, you will have to help me get up to speed!


mc said...

Long lost greetings from 20 miles up the road! Friend, I have cried over many trees- I get it!!
You've inspired me: go to: