Thursday, February 21, 2008


It is amazing how a week can be "short" but feel long. lol It has been quite a hectic few days and tomorrow we have just a half day of school. We are also supposed to possibly get some frozen precipitation around here, but I will believe it when I see it. lol

Here is a picture of the necklace Steve got me for Valentine's. Not the greatest picture because my lens will only allow me to get only so close, but you get the point. There are little diamonds in the center silver area. I love it. :)

I am quite saddened that trees near the lake near our house are coming down. More had been taken down today. It seems they are wanting the bridge over Lake Wheeler to be less curvy so they are going to straighten it when they build a new one. Don't know why... I think it adds character but they didn't ask me. Instead, they are tearing up more of what I have always known. :Sigh: I keep having a lot of those moments of sadness lately, don't I?

Today I taught my students how Colonial people would have written with feather and ink. All they did was write their name on a piece of cardstock but it showed them it was not as easy as it looked! Either there would be too much ink or not enough. The kids loved it, though, and so did I. I am so thankful the Lord gives me these ideas to make learning more fun.

I had a thought after I was watching the kids. I decided to come home and photograph these feathers. We had originally used them last fall with painting something (the way people would have done long ago) and then we washed them and saved them for what I showed them today. I had to cut the tips of the feathers to make the pen area. I was actually surprised they worked. lol Anyway, I took some pictures and these are a few. The colors of the feathers were so pretty and cheerful. I have a few others but haven't had time to check out the pics. They are not as crisp/sharp as I would like but partly because my natural light was fading and I had to hold the shutter open a bit longer so I probably had some camera shake. Oh well... it happens. I hope you enjoy those pics. The one of the ends in the vase just show all of the ink on the tips. I thought that was kind of neat.

Speaking of photography, I get to photograph a 6 month old this weekend. It is the "last one" I have for a while. I am looking forward to it and hope everything goes smoothly. I don't need anymore issues with my camera like I had last weekend. lol

Oh, by the way, many of you that commented on my last post about me saying I am now a "city girl"... well, I realize you all who know me know that I am as country sounding as the day is long. I am still a country girl at heart, that is for sure. I guess what I meant by that is by all appearances I LOOK like a "city girl" now. My heart will always be in the country. Does that clarify that? lol

And another thing... sorry about the cheeseburger pictures, Morgan. hee hee... I couldn't resist allowing y'all to SEE them. Truly, though, the pictures don't do them justice and if you have to lick the computer screen to enjoy the moment, then so be it. I have done goofier things as you all know. :) I wish I could have sent all of you one. LOL

I think I have found the "perfect" coffee taste now. I have been working on perfecting my coffee, you know, since we got the percolator. Well, the last couple of nights we have had it the coffee has been awesome. :) I can't wait to have some more in a few minutes... along with some dark chocolate, of course.

Well, it seems those papers in my bag aren't getting graded with me typing. I am not sure if all will get graded tonight or if some will have to wait until the morning when I get to school. lol

Enjoy your evening. Think of me as I am grading those papers... :)


Sal Cartusciello said...

They make the bridge "less curvy" because too many mental midgits go too fast around it now, so they need to make it safer for them.

I loved taking the motorcycle over that area, because you are right, the area has character.

Unknown said...

I believe have have a nice lens for the weekend that will get you real close to that necklace :)
Have you ever tried Most lenses are around $50 to rent for 7 days, they do shipping and insurance. It is a good way to try lenses you want, but can't really get right now :)
Love the feathers too. I am going out this weekend to do some shooting, not sure what, but I am going out.
And good luck with the 6 month old, I am going to try and get Gillian to cooperate on Saturday to get a picture for her birth announcement ...yes she is 1 month today and we have not gotten them out. :)

Morgan said...

I hate that they are straigtening that bridge. I loved huggin' the curves on that one! It was one of my favorite drives at sunset.....

Amy said...

Wow, that is one beautiful necklace, what a sweet gift! What a neat idea you had with the feathers and ink, I bet the kids really enjoyed learning about how Colonial people wrote.