Thursday, November 23, 2006


Another year for which to thank the Lord. I am humbled each day when He shows me areas I need to work on improving. He continues to show me I need to make sure I stop whining and start trusting Him in everything. I have grown so much in that, but I also know I have so much more to learn. I am thankful for the Lord's patience.

I thought I'd share today what I am most thankful for this year. The list will seem a lot like times in the past, but today I just want to praise the Lord for His goodness to me.

1. My salvation through Jesus Christ.

2. My family
-Mom and Dad...they have been through a lot but show that true love lasts the test of time.
-brother...who teaches me so many things that I am listening to and learning from
-Steve...who loves me unconditionally and helps me SO much. He also makes me laugh. :)
-my sweet children...who just act a little too much like their mother sometimes..

3. Friends who make me laugh and let me cry...who love me unconditionally for who I am.

4. The warmth of hugs

5. The feel of my children's feet in my hands. Mikayla's are still soft, but Wesley is beginning to get that "boy" feel to his...more rough. I cherish those sweet feet.

6. Food...why should I even complain about what is in front of me? I have so much more than others..

7. My is ours and God has blessed us so much for there are so many who have nothing.

8. Warmth of heat....and a new stove insert on its way. I thought so much in the past few days as we have had the Noreaster of those without heat. I was thankful I still had heat even though I didn't have my fireplace.

9. Clothes to wear....It is so easy to go shopping and look at all you DON'T have, but when you look at what you DO have it is a humbling thing. I am thankful I have warm clothes to put on my body. I just need to make sure I still fit in them. :)

10. The ability to hear, speak, touch, taste and see. I have been able to see many wondrous things this year that are a part of God's Creation. He blesses us each day with another day of His glory.

11. My cat...she keeps me company and loves to be near me. :)

12. Our dogs...they love Steve and I love them from afar. :)

13. My children's laughter

14. A job that I enjoy

15. My extended family/ inlaws

16. My children's accepting of the Lord as their Savior this year.

17. Tractors and butterflies

18. A clean home...when it can happen. :)

19. Christmas tree ornaments!!!

20. God giving me the ability to learn how to photograph objects and people. I DO NOT know it all by any means, but I am thankful He is giving me the ability to learn more and more each time I take photographs. I am thankful to those who have given me the opportunity to take photos of their children/families. What valuable experience I have gained from that. I am also thankful for my photography friends who give me pointers. I love my little hobby. :)

The list could truly go on and on but I guess I need to finish up. God is good all the time...All the time God is good. Thank Him today for His goodness and remember that without Him you are nothing. He holds those who know Him in the palm of His hands and He will never leave us nor forsake us. I am so thankful. Try your hand at a list of thankfulness today. You will be amazed at all of your blessings.

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