Monday, November 19, 2007


Aaaahhh... the colors of fall. This weekend we really saw them "pop" around home. Our mountains had their peak a couple of weeks ago. This first picture is right around our house. I used to look on this scene each year without having to deal with houses. That is no more... This used to be one of our cow pastures. I was able to get between some houses to get this shot. It always reminds me of the mountains this time of year even though we don't live near them. The other picture is in our yard. Tried out a different angle just because I didn't want boring straight up and down. ha!! The last shot is of a tree growing beside the old barns. I thought it was pretty to have that color beside something that has now become run down. (I still love it, though, whether it is run down looking or not!!) The colors of the tree really popped.

I truly am amazed at the beauty of the leaves this year because they predicted it would be ugly since we are in a drought. Goes to show again that God is in control. The Bible says that the heavens declare the glory of God... right now I see that these beautiful colors on the trees show us that. Seasons are continual and have been since the Great Flood, and they are a constant reminder that God has not left us nor forsaken us. He can be seen EVERYWHERE.

I went outside this afternoon to photograph these leaf pictures. I didn't get any award-winning photographs but I at least got to go out and shoot. I haven't had a chance to really do that in the last couple of weeks and have missed that. These are just around home. There are BEAUTIFUL ones on the back drive at our school and I can never capture them because I get to school so early that it is too dark. I don't have many opportunities left to capture them!

We actually had rain today!! It was not forecasted... which I think is funny because it shows yet again that the meteorologists do not know what God has in store for a day. It was great to see. My only regret was that I couldn't curl up on the sofa with my kiddos or my book!

My friend Sal left me a comment and wanted to know about The Ten Tenors. (HEY SAL!!!) They were AWESOME. If you have never seen them in person and they come near you I HIGHLY recommend them. Our seats were in "PIT".... the ones right up next to the stage. Most people would think that is AWESOME but I hate the pit section. lol We were right next to the speaker... the LARGE speaker. The music was wonderful but the loudness was not. They sang some of the "fun parts from Opera songs" as they put it, some Bee Gee's, Simon and Garfunkel, some Queen... (which I found out later that the lead singer was not someone I would want to model my life after!!) and other songs they had written or had written for them. They also sang some songs from Australia, which is where they are from. All in all it was so great but I just wish we had sat further back so we could have heard each others conversation when we left. ha!! I truly would have loved to have listened to them longer, though.

Have you started listening to Christmas music yet? We have... been doing so for around 2 weeks now. We began with our "old faithful" of Patti Loveless "Blue Grass, White Snow". One of my friends at school gave me Josh Groban's new Christmas CD "Noel" and it is wonderful. I've been listening to that at school. I just love this time of year. Be looking for my ornament pictures soon. lol We're putting up the tree at the end of the week!!

I only have one day left to teach this week. I told myself this morning that since I only had 2 days this week I COULD do this. lol I don't have papers to grade tonight, the kids don't have homework and I don't know what to do with myself!! I guess that is why I wandered around the yard and all taking photographs. lol

Mikayla Girl is going to spend the night with a friend tomorrow night. She is still a bit uncertain about "leaving me" for some reason. She cried instead of got all excited. I love th
at she wants to stay with me but I also know she can't live her life in that way. I want her to go and have a great time with her friends. I know she'll be fine when she gets there and gets to playing. She seems fine now and I really hope she is excited about it. Wesley is still pretty much oblivious and doesn't worry about things like that. ha!!!

We are having some of my Mom's vegetable soup and homemade pimiento cheese tonight. YUMMY. I am thinking seriously about starting a fire in the wood stove. Steve is going to be late tonight and I know he would think the house is "fine" but I just love that thing. lol It will make it even more cozier with the fire going... and eating soup... and pimiento cheese. Maybe I'll even have a cup of coffee later. (My new past time...) I'll just miss having Steve around in the process. That is one sweet man... have I said that lately????

Well, I had better get to working on warming up the soup. May you see the beauty of the Lord in what you have around you. I try to find God's beauty every day. It isn't hard to find.

1 comment:

Sal Cartusciello said...

Love the pictures! I will be mentioning them in my post. Glad you enjoyed the Ten Tenors. Need to always remember ear plugs. Especially at our ages. :-)