Saturday, November 17, 2007


We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing.... Everyone sing with me! We had Thanksgiving with Steve's Dad, his wife, brother, his sons and us today. We did it differently and had it at our house this year instead of going to the lake where his Dad lives. It turned out to be a great day and a lot of fun. Steve cooked a pig and it was delicious. In fact, Steve did most of all of the cooking! He started with the baked beans and his "secret sauce" on Thursday night when I was working on mashed potatoes for Wesley and Mikayla's Thanksgiving Feast at school. Then, last night he worked on a couple of more things while I was no good to him. lol Friday nights are not good nights for me to really do a lot of thinking and figuring out of things. I work better after sleeping enough and getting up fresh on Saturday mornings. ha!

My step mother-in-law had the privilege of walking in as I was working on cleaning up the kitchen counters and the dining room! Bless her heart, she helped me... I couldn't believe how NEAT my dining room is now! Steve kept saying over and over how he didn't think he would ever see the day he could actually EAT in the dining room again. Stinker. It feels SO GOOD to get rid of some clutter, though. I know I have to live with a lot more than I used to, but it doesn't mean I am overjoyed by it. lol

Anyway, Steve did an awesome job and he is "proud of that pig" in the picture. We sat around and talked and enjoyed the day. It truly was nice.

Yesterday, Wesley and Mikayla had their feast at school as mentioned earlier. They looked so cute.. Mikayla was an Indian and Wesley was a Pilgrim. It seems that the Indian was the "costume of choice" in their class but I was glad Wesley was a Pilgrim to add a little flavor to the tribe. :) I had my class covered for an hour so that I could go and participate without having to run up and down the hall. lol It was nice and I was able to be a "mom" but immediately had to go get back into teacher mode. Then, yesterday afternoon I did a "Mayflower Experience" with my class, only this time we called it the "MayFOWLER"... hee hee... The kids got to go in a cardboard box as if that were the hull of the Mayflower and experience tight quarters, eat stale bread and drink "stale" water. I then read to them some facts about living on board the Mayflower and we also did a math sheet and fun sheet to go along with it. All in all it was a good ending to the week.

We had a little bit of rain on Thursday and I was so thankful for it. It is interesting to note that Georgia received a good amount of rainfall after the Governor of Georgia proclaimed a prayer day. The ACLU and other types of people didn't like it but God showed his power once again and proved that HE is in control and when His people call His name He will answer them.

Speaking of God's power, I was reminded of it in my teaching this past week. Each year in our Bible lessons at school I teach the ten plagues God sent to Egypt when Pharoah would not let God's people go. I love reading those passages in scripture because it is evident time and time again how God leads and directs and shows HE is the One True God. On Thursday I taught about how God led His people through the Red Sea. It is interesting to see how God's people immediately started complaining when they saw the Egyptians coming because they had JUST seen God show His power TEN TIMES in the plagues that released them from Pharoah. Did they really forget so quickly? BUT, each time I teach that I am reminded that we are the same as they were. We see God's hand in one part of our lives but forget He is still there when tough times come again. He holds us up; He protects us; He loves us. I am so thankful I have Christ in my heart and He is my Savior. I know He will never leave me nor forsake me. I pray that those who are reading this know for sure that they have asked Christ to take away their sins and know He is in their heart... Just like the Isrealites only had one way to go through the Red Sea to get to safety, there is only one way to "eternal safety" in Heaven and that is through accepting Christ as your Savior.

Tonight Steve and I are going to see The Ten Tenors. I am quite excited about this "adventure" we will have. My brother was supposed to go with me, but he is still in Mexico so it became a date night for Steve and me!! :) (My brother is coming back tomorrow and I am GLAD! He has been gone for 16 days and I have missed him...) I am looking forward to a night full of great music!

Well, I am going to go "chill" a bit before we have to leave. Enjoy the day the Lord has made!


Amy said...

Wow, that is one big barbecue! The kids look adorable, as usual!

Anonymous said...

Look at Steve go with the BBQ. I'm glad you had a nice time with family. The kids looked like that had a great time. Miss you all.

You are so right about how Georgia received some rain after the prayer event despite all the complaining from others. The power of prayer and the Lord.

So, we need a follow up on how you liked the Tenors.