Thursday, July 26, 2007


Wow...sorry for not posting in a while. I guess I have been so caught up in my last few "moments" of summer I haven't got on here.

Things have been great.. I have been working on what I have learned with my camera and it is going well. I guess I need to update on what my last post had said regarding my new lens! I did buy a 17-85 Canon lens and it is AWESOME. I traded my kit lens and the other one I had been using and am having the best time learning my new one. It is amazing what I am able to do with this lens that I wasn't able to do with my other. I have included a few shots today to show how sharp it is. Of course, most people are not going to analyze a photograph like me so I know you probably won't see a difference, but I do! LOL

Today I went on a "photography class" field trip with the pro photographer I met at the camera store. WOW....did I learn a lot of stuff! I have to "chew" on it and practice with it but overall I am feeling more confident in what I would do in certain situations. That isn't to say that I still don't have to practice it and all but I just learned a WHOLE bunch. ;)

I am continuing to learn that photography isn't just taking a camera and going out and snapping a picture... it is figuring out where the light is coming from, how much light you have, what you have to do to that light to make it work as well as what you want your photo to do and say!! I am excited about the possibilities in the future. I am continuing to pray for the Lord's hand to be on this and to guide me. He has given me this ability and I want to use it in the right way.

I guess I am beginning to realize I need to start gearing back up for school. This is the first year I haven't already gotten some things done... I think the photography is so on my mind that teaching has been put on the back burner for the time being. You can't learn something new while working hard on another thing at the same time! I knew I HAD to learn this photography over the summer so I could put it more into practice during the school year instead of trying to learn it all.

Here is a shot I took of Wesley and Mikayla's feet... summer feet... not too long ago. (this is not with my new lens, though....) I am entering this one into the fair. I love it. It probably won't win because you never know what the judges at the fair are looking for, but at least I will love looking at it when I get it back!

Steve has had to work late the last couple of nights. I have missed him. The kids have, too.

Well, I need to get some "stuff" done so I guess I need to get off of here. Have a blessed day and thank the Lord for the gifts He has given to you. Without HIM, we are nothing...

1 comment:

Amy said...

Kellie, Congrats on the new lens, how exciting!!! I LOVE the photo of their feet, it is adorable! How did you meet up with the professional photographer, how neat is that that you're getting so much help! I'm envious. :)