Sunday, September 24, 2006


Today was a bit of an emotional day at church. As I have written before, our Youth Pastor has a brain tumor. He has never bounced back from his surgery 3 weeks ago and we found out yesterday he had to be put into a drug-induced coma. They tried 2 shunts and they didn't work right because they knicked a vein when they were putting it in which caused more trauma. Today at church our pastor wasn't there because he was at the hospital so our former Youth Pastor preached. We had four deacons get up and pray specifically for Mike and his family as well as wisdom for the doctors. Our former Youth Pastor preached a powerful message. He was saying that Mike will win either way.. whether he lives or dies.. because he has Jesus Christ as His personal Savior. It was a morning of tears but re-assurance that Mike is in the Lord's hands and we need to wait on Him. His will is not our will. My heart goes out to his family, though, because I remember all too well how emotionally taxing Mom's ordeal was and what we went through. They are going through so much and sometimes we pray so much for the person who is sick that we forget to pray for the family. Please continue to pray for Mike McCaskill. God is the Great Physician and if it is His will he will heal Mike. We must remember what I wrote many times and thought of during Mom's illness... God is good all the time, All the time God is good.

We have had a lazy afternoon. My house is such a disaster and it needs cleaning but I am thinking of waiting until Tuesday before I have to go to my convention and then we will come home to a clean house. The kids have been working on their areas already so that helps. Sometimes I just get so overwhelmed with it all so it helps so much that they are old enough to help now.

Today's flower is from my friends house. I love this picture and like how the focus is on the top middle portion of the flower itself and then falls off as you look down and up. I thought it was a bright picture for such an emotionally draining morning.

I am blessed with what I have and I have thanked the Lord for that today. Let's all remember what GOD has given us and praise His name. Have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Kellie, I will continue to pray for Mike and his family. What a sad situation for everyone. Amy